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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Integral Part Of Organizational Management Commerce Essay Example For Students
The Integral Part Of Organizational Management Commerce Essay Over the mature ages, Outsourcing has gotten a worked in bit of most organizations vital and operational course because of the interest to remain competitory known to mankind advertise through a useful gracefully connection. The interest to redistribute so as to cut expense in the creation methodology has achieved a situation where organizations have stocks that are low on cost yet high in quality. In any worry, overall gain concocting and length of administration are a definitive closures and can be accomplished using grouped assaults henceforth the build of redistributing. It is primarily planned for taking a gander at ways an organization can pick the most skillful and cost adequate supplier, who at long last will affect cost of creation, money related estimation of administrations or merchandise and total compensation. Re-appropriating, which is firmly connected with a useful gracefully link, is foremost to the development and heading of an organization. Outline1 OUTSOURCING DEFINED2 FIGURE 1.1 PROCESS OF OUTSOURCING3 Globalization, OUTSOURCING AND BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING4 Figure 1.2 OUTSOURCING AT THE CENTER OF A FUNDAMENTAL RESTRUCTURING OF BUSINESS5 OUTSOURCING6 REFLECTIONS AND ARGUMENT7 Decision Re-appropriating DEFINED We will compose a custom exposition on The Integral Part Of Organizational Management Commerce explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Redistributing, being a bit of the creation system in many organizations, is just non simply about procurance of normal stuffs, constituents, and administrations from skilled suppliers yet rather, it Is a vital assurance made to cut expense in the creation methodology taking to an expansion in asset assignment alongside elevated administrative taking care of the core capabilities of an organization. It ought to be noticed that in spite of the fact that redistributing is a key assurance, re-appropriating dramatizations a bit in the improvement of that plot. There is no cosmopolitan definition for re-appropriating especially when you take consciousness of the various divisions in concern today. In their overview of Information Technology ( IT ) redistributing, Loh and Venkatraman ( 1992:9 ) characterized sourcing as the significant part by outer venders in the physical or potentially HR related with the full or explicit constituents of the IT foundation in the client organization . Re- appropriating has other than been characterized as stocks provided to the transnational house by free suppliers from around the universe and the degree of constituents and completed stocks provided to the house by autonomous suppliers ( Kotabe,1992:103 ) .Furthermore, re-appropriating has been characterized as the trust on outside beginnings for creation constituents and other worth including exercises ( Lei and Hitt,1995:836 ) . It is obvious to see that re-appropriating takes on various assaults when applied to arranged divisions. Re-appropriating may hold arranged definitions however the techniques are unvarying. The technique of redistributing experiences stages before a supplier is chosen. Figure 1.1 shows the methodology associated with re-appropriating. FIGURE 1.1 PROCESS OF OUTSOURCING Provider SUPPLIER Checking SELECTION DESIGN PROCUREMENT SOURCING Furthermore, AND COLLABORATION PLANNING AND Evaluation CONTRACT ANALYSIS Exchange Starting: Chopra, S and Meindl, P.2004. Flexibly Chain Management: Scheme, Planning and Operations Globalization, OUTSOURCING AND BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING The develop of redistributing is extremely extraordinary in organizations due to non simply key grounds, yet furthermore, the idea of the universe we live in today. We live in a globalized universe which has achieved worldwide monetary coordinating portrayed by organized commerce and capital movement in this way making a planetary market. The term, DEATH OF DISTANCE, best portrays redistributing on a bigger graduated table. The planetary society today is to such an extent that movement of data has gotten nearly simple because of innovative progresss and the internet. We have states on one side of the planet paying organizations on another for specific administrations. An outline can be taken from IBM. They utilize Indian applied researchers to execute everyday regular consideration maps on bundle planned in the U.S ( HILL 2010 ) . Care is an assistance, and in the occurrence of IBM, that administration is obviously being redistributed to another segment of the universe because of a l evel of expertness from the supplier and non covering the advantages of clasp zone. Along these lines, the re-appropriating develop augmentations the planetary graduated table. Re-appropriating which can be viewed as a device utilized by worries to cut cost and distribute assets has an off shoring measurement related with it. Seaward redistributing is focused on cost decline and is the most convincing element. Seaward re-appropriating involves voyaging an organization s interior concern strategies to an outer organization in another state. An extraordinary per centum of cost retirement funds can be found in the compensation contrasts between workers in created states and those in rising financial frameworks, for example, Asia and Eastern Europe. In footings of remunerations, the undermentioned outlines best portrays the ground or grounds an organization would decide for seaward re-appropriating: .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 , .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .postImageUrl , .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 , .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:hover , .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:visited , .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:active { border:0!important; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:active , .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:hover { murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enhancement: underline; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8d b2690 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Paradise Lost By Milton EssayArchitects, creating plans from considers acquire $ 250 every month in the Philippines when contrasted with $ 3000 per month in the United States. Java coders in India win $ 5,000 a twelvemonth contrasted with $ 60,000 in the United States. Aviation applied researchers in Russia win $ 650 every month contrasted with $ 6,000 for their United states reciprocals U.S. prepared and authorized radiotherapists in India read X raies, MRIs and CT filter for not exactly a large portion of their U.S. inverse numbers ( Corbett, M 2004 ) . Seaward redistributing has continuously become segment of the creation technique in many organizations because of advantages from the compensation development and capable expertness from the suppliers. Asides from organizations, authoritiess have other than taken up seaward re-appropriating. For delineation, the United States wellbeing segment in 2008 utilized 34,000 Filipinos in the worry of interpreting American clinical files.More all things considered, a few estimations recommend that the redistributing of numerous managerial processs in health consideration, for example, customer administration and cases handling, could chop down health consideration cost in America by each piece much as $ 70 Billion dollars ( HILL 2010 ) . There is no vulnerability that re-appropriating is here and here to remain. With an expansion in redistributing organizations, I'm not catching this' meaning for the worry segment? The build of redistributing has and will take to organizations having the option to get the contributing mood and distribute those assets to a greater amount of import aspects all together continue their core capabilities. For representation, Nike. Its core capabilities can be found in its plan and selling capablenesss which give them that additional preferred position over opponents. As an outcome of focusing on their core capabilities, Nike redistributes the creation of its places to some Asiatic states like Vietnam, China. Along these lines, the interest to place in creation workss and capacity establishments have been wiped out which in twist decreases the contributing mood. An expanded feeling of rivalry or hyper rivalry is obvious between significant adversaries what's more among suppliers. An uplifted feeling of rivalry among suppliers prompts an expansion in the quality and measure of merchandise or administrations. The expansion in the quality and basis is gone before by rivalry ; a supplier realizes that so as to remain pertinent it needs to better on the nature of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Why Do We Celebrate Presidents Day
For what reason Do We Celebrate President's Day Presidents Day was built up in 1832 to observe George Washingtons centennial. The yearly occasion, which presently falls on the third Monday of February, later developed into a festival of Abraham Lincolns birthday too, and in the end transformed into a day to stamp the birthday celebrations and lives of every single American president in spite of the fact that the special seasons name was never formally changed to Presidents Day. Did You Know? George Washingtons birthday got changed from February 11, 1731, to February 22, 1732, when the Gregorian schedule was received. A demonstration of Congress made the date a government holiday.Thanks to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, Washingtons Birthday-which is frequently called Presidents Day-is constantly celebrated on the third Monday in February.Retailers love Presidents Day, and use it as an opportunity to put expensive things on special in light of the fact that that is when individuals begin recovering their annual assessment discounts. The First Presidents Day The inceptions of Presidents Day go back to the mid nineteenth century, and everything began with George Washington. The main American president was conceived on February 11, 1731. As the centennial commemoration of his introduction to the world drew closer, Congress reported that merriments in Washingtons respect would be hung on February 22, 1832. Why the adjustment in dates? The appropriate response lies in the historical backdrop of the cutting edge schedule. Washingtons birth occurred before 1752, which was the year that Britain and the entirety of its settlements embraced the Gregorian schedule. In this manner, Washingtons birthday currently fell on February 22, 1732, which implied that a century later, in 1832-rather than 1831-the time had come to celebrate. Merriments occurred everywhere throughout the nation, including the early intermission of the Congressional meeting, trailed by the perusing of Washingtons 1796 Farewell Address, which has become a yearly custom. In 1879, Congress passed a bill proclaiming that February 22, since a long time ago celebrated as Washingtons birthday, would be assigned a government occasion. Around then, Congress added February 22 to the rundown of legitimate occasions saw by government workers in the District of Columbia. This introduced an issue at first, however some administration representatives were paid for the vacation day, yet others werent. In 1885, Congress understood that issue by pronouncing that every government worker, including those utilized outside of Washington D.C., were to be paid for every single bureaucratic occasions. The Uniform Monday Holiday Act In 1968, Congress spent the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which moved various government occasions to Mondays. This change was embraced with the goal that laborers would have a few extended weekends consistently, yet there was resistance from individuals who felt that occasions ought to be seen when they really celebrate. As indicated by student of history C.L. Arbelbide, the Congressional Recordâ highlighted three essential advantages of this change, pointed explicitly at families: Three-day occasions offer more prominent open doors for families-particularly those whose individuals might be broadly isolated to get together. . . .The three-day range of relaxation time . . . would permit our residents more prominent support in their side interests just as in instructive and social activities.Monday occasions would improve business and mechanical creation by limiting midweek occasion interferences of creation timetables and lessening representative non-attendance when midweek occasions. The Uniform Holiday Act became effective in January, 1971, and pronounced Washingtons Birthday, the third Monday in February, as a legitimate open occasion. During conversation about the new demonstration, it was recommended that Washington’s Birthday ought to be renamed Presidents Day so as to respect the birthday events of both Washington and Abraham Lincoln, conceived on February 12, 1809. However, Congress dismissed the name modification and it was rarely formally changed. All in all, for what reason do individuals despite everything call it Presidents Day? The Meaning of Presidents Day Today You can thank your amicable neighborhood retailer for the utilization of the term Presidents Day. Its become one of the most mainstream seasons for deals. While this may appear to be an odd season to choose you have to run out and purchase another sleeping cushion or a dresser, theres really an explanation for the convention of Presidents Day deals on expensive things: its when individuals are beginning to get their personal assessment discounts. Despite the fact that there have been endeavors throughout the years to officially begin calling Washingtons Birthday by its progressively basic name of Presidents Day, its never occurred. Furthermore, states have the ability to call it Presidents Day in the event that they wish-the utilization of the name Washingtons Birthday is found at a government level. Regardless of what you decide to call it, if youre a government worker, youll get the third Monday in February off every year. Sources Arbelbide, C L. â€Å"By George, IT IS Washingtons Birthday!† National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration,â€Å"George Washingtons Birthday.† National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration,, Ed. â€Å"What You May Not Know about Presidents Day.† CNN, Cable News Network, 18 Feb. 2019, issues/presidents-day-history-washington-birthday/index.html.â€Å"Public Law 90-363 .† US Government Publishing Office, 27 Jan. 1968,
Monday, July 27, 2020
Mood Lability and Borderline Personality Disorder
Mood Lability and Borderline Personality Disorder BPD Print Mood Lability and Borderline Personality Disorder By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 26, 2019 Noel Hendrickson/DigitalVision/Getty Images More in BPD Diagnosis Treatment Living With BPD Related Conditions People with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are often described as having mood lability. Mood lability is an emotional response that is irregular or out of proportion to the situation at hand. It is associated with severe mood swings, intense reactions, and dramatic changes in opinions and feelings. Understanding the Scope of Mood Lability Mood lability is often evidenced by destructive or harmful behaviors. Those actions can include angry tantrums or screaming, destroying objects, aggression or violence towards others, and self-harm. The responses can occur seemingly out of nowhere, triggered in seconds. Mood lability is present in people with various mental illnesses, including bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and BPD. Because of how disruptive mood lability can be, it can inhibit daily life and functioning. This may include harming interpersonal relationships and careers. Symptoms of Mood Lability With BPD Many of the symptoms of BPD involve difficulties in managing or regulating emotions. This highlights the role of mood lability in BPD. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illnesses, 5th edition â€" the reference manual mental health professionals use â€" BPDs criteria outlines several difficulties with emotions, including: Emotional Lability: Those with BPD experience unstable emotions and frequent mood swings. Emotions are easily triggered and are typically inappropriate or disproportionate to the circumstances.Anxiety: People with BPD may display symptoms of intense anxiety, even seeing things in a distorted light. For instance, they may think theyre going to fail or mess up even when they are well prepared. This can lead to serious paranoia and stress.Insecurity: Often, those with BPD are insecure in interpersonal relationships. They regularly assume that other people will leave them or reject them, leading to constant worrying and the need for reassurance.Impulsiveness: In response to some sort of stimulus, people with BPD often respond erratically and may engage in dangerous behaviors. This can even include self-harm when confronted with times of stress. Many people with BPD cycle between emotions rapidly. In the morning, they may be happy, full of energy, and optimistic. As the day progresses, they can become despondent, depressed, and express feelings of hopelessness. Particularly in the case of mood lability in people with BPD, the effects of the outbursts can last much longer than in other people. Thats because those with BPD tend to have heightened emotional states, to begin with. This longer-lasting effect can make managing mood lability all the more difficult. Treatment The heavy mood swings associated with mood lability and BPD can be extremely disruptive. It may keep people from being able to manage their daily routines. Routine functions can become more difficult, requiring intervention. However, BPD and mood lability can be treated. If you have BPD, its important to look for a therapist or healthcare professional who specializes in emotional regulation and personality disorders. Engaging in psychotherapy will help you learn how to manage your emotions and urges in a healthy way. From learning new coping skills to better understanding your emotional triggers, you will be prepared to handle all aspects of your mood lability. The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs
Friday, May 22, 2020
A Nurse s Role Model For Healthy Behaviors - 929 Words
I choose to become a nurse because of the caring and compassionate attitude nurses hold not only through practice but every day. A nurse should be a role model for healthy behaviors both in the workplace and outside of it. Any nurse, I have ever encountered was kindhearted, compassionate, and empathetic. They talk about their job as if it is a reward to be a nurse. When you step back and look at it, nursing is a reward; it is the ability to quickly make lifesaving judgments. As a student nurse I begin to create my own role in the health care field. I find my personal compassion in nursing care and I start developing my own philosophies of nursing. My philosophy of nursing is always treat others with the utmost respect; while keeping open mind, it can go along way. Nursing care follows Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and in order to care for a person must understand the basics. First you start with â€Å"the person.†This is providing your patients with the essential needs, making sure your patient has all metabolic components to stay alive. As a student nurse we take vital signs frequently to assess the patients status compared to what is considered normal. In this we are assessing the patients metabolic needs and what is going on in different systems of the body. Next you need to provide your patient with safety and security. In doing so, many hospitals have protocols to prevent falls, and provide environments that mimic home life settings. Environment influences a persons overallShow MoreRelatedPrevention And Treatment Of Diabetes1590 Words  | 7 Pagesprevention plan. A school nurse would be the ideal person to execute a prevention plan that can include: educating the children about optimum levels of physical activity and heal thy nutrition. The purpose of this paper is to explore the prevention strategies that nurses can provide against type 2 diabetes among children utilizing the Pender Health Promotion Model. Initially, for a nurse to develop a prevention plan he/she must look at the components of the Pender Health Promotion Model (HPM). The first componentRead MoreThe Demonstration Of Leadership Style1569 Words  | 7 Pagesleadership thus includes the charge nurse, resource nurse, and the manager. They create shared vision, build trusting relationship through communication and initiating transformation and democracy through role directing and being role defined (Ezziane, 2012). The informal leader includes all other nurses or health care workers that are not officially appointed to direct activities of others but plays an important role in influencing colleagues to achieve the group s goals (Kozier et al, 2010). TheseRead MoreThe Health Belief Model Of College Students807 Words  | 4 PagesIn the 1950’s the health belief model (HBM) was introduced to explain why people who are healthy, continue to participate in activities that keep them free of illness; while others negl ect to be involved with healthy activities (Pender, Murdaugh, Parsons, 2015). PubMed was used to find this article with the limitations of an article written in the last five years, humans, and English; the Mesh words used was health belief model. The article Applying the health belief model to college students’Read MoreHealth Promotion Model Of Nursing1353 Words  | 6 Pages Health Promotion Model Amy D. Kramer Point Loma Nazarene University â€Æ' Introduction Nursing theory is important to the profession of nursing as it provides guidance to practice and helps to broaden nursing knowledge. 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The theory covers human behavior in terms of basic requirementsRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Huge Problem1064 Words  | 5 Pagesyou eat and lack of exercise performed daily are the most familiar causes of obesity but other factors play a very big role in the cause of this disease. Education plays a huge role in preventing this disease and there are many settings that you can be educated in such as the school system, hospitals or doctors’ offices, home and even work. Occupational therapists can also play a role in educate on how certain occupations can prevent obesity. Childhood obesity is affected by many different factors.Read MoreA Community Nursing Diagnostic Process: Case Study1218 Words  | 5 PagesThe role of the community health nurse is to take into account contextual variables, especially as they relate to community of origin and community of residence, when treating patients. Ethnic, cultural, religious, and gender variables will all come into play during a community nursing diagnostic process. In this case, the family is also considered within a community nursing framework. M.K. is originally from Russia, although she speaks English. She is a smoker and a newly diagnosed diabetic whoRead MorePender s Health Promotion Model1128 Words  | 5 PagesHealth Promotion Model Theoretical Framework Analysis Alison Kascher Simmons College â€Æ' Health promotion is defined as the process of empowering individuals to make healthy lifestyle choices and motivating them to become better self-managers (Ricketts, 2014). Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model (HPM) focuses on increasing a person’s level of well-being and identifies the multifaceted nature of individuals as they interact with their environment to pursue health (Health Promotion Model, 2013). PenderRead MoreThe Gap Between Academia And Clinical Practice857 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to Billing and Halstead (2012), the goals from Healthy People 2020 includes a focus on reducing disparities, preventable diseases, disability, injury, and premature death in improving health care for all. Further, the role of the nurse educator must bridge the gap between academia and clinical practice. Nursing education faces great transformation as faculty strive to adapt curricula to prepare graduates at all levels of education for an increasingly complex workforce th at has greater practiceRead MoreThe Nurse Patient Relationship Between Nurses And The Healthy And Sick Persons1590 Words  | 7 Pages The nurse-patient relationship has not been sufficiently addressed, does not happen in the same manner with the physician-patient relationship which is treated with a certain frequency. In fact, some health professionals believe that the physician-patient relations and nurse - patient are the same, and they assert that there is no difference between them. However, despite sharing the same object of study and common spaces for the exercise of each profession and contents are not equal functions
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Essay on PSCI 150 Fall 2014 Syllabus 1 - 2018 Words
POLITICAL SCIENCE 150: INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Fall 2014 Mondays and Wednesdays 10am Stiteler Hall B6 Office Hours: Mondays 1:30-3:30pm or by appointment Professor Jessica Stanton Office: Stiteler Hall 214 Phone: (215) 898-7646 Email: HEAD TEACHING ASSISTANT Ruolin Su TEACHING ASSISTANTS Julia Cramer Patrick O’Halloran Javier Revelo-Rebolledo Jeremy Springman COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is an introductory course, surveying major issues in international politics. The first section of the course provides an overview of the main theoretical approaches to understanding†¦show more content†¦Norton Company, 2014). NOTE: We will be using the fifth edition of this book, which was published in 2014. The editors have made revisions to this edition and a number of the readings required for the course are not included in earlier editions. All other required readings for the course are articles or book chapters, which can be downloaded and printed from the Canvas site for the course. If you prefer not to download and print each individual article from Canvas, you may purchase a course pack instead. The course pack includes all of the assigned articles that are not included in the Mingst and Snyder text. It is available for purchase at the Campus Copy Center, 3907 Walnut Street. 2 SECTION I: THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS WEEK 1 August 27: Introduction and course logistics WEEK 2 September 3: Anarchy and Realist Approaches to International Relations Jack Snyder, â€Å"One World, Rival Theories,†in Mingst Snyder, pp. 2-10. Hans Morgenthau, â€Å"A Realist Theory of International Politics and Political Power,†in Mingst Snyder, pp. 32-36. John Mearsheimer, â€Å"Anarchy and the Struggle for Power,†in Mingst Snyder, pp. 37-56. Thucydides, â€Å"Melian Dialogue,†in Mingst Snyder, pp. 11-12. WEEK 3 September 8: Neoliberal Institutionalism Prospects for Cooperation under Anarchy Robert O. Keohane, â€Å"From After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy,†in Mingst Snyder, pp. 338-354. John Mearsheimer, â€Å"The False
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Harm and Causes of Noise Pollution Free Essays
string(101) " have taken noise pollution as a serious matter and taken action to try and control noise pollution\." As a Kansas local, I am lucky to live in the country, where exposure to noise is usually under my own control. On a normal day, the average decibel rating on my front porch is 37 decibels. Even on a day when farm equipment can be heard off in the distance, the top decibel reading I have taken at my home is 47 decibels. We will write a custom essay sample on The Harm and Causes of Noise Pollution or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is not the case in Lawrence, Kansas. Lawrence is affected by noise pollution, just like all cities. The main sources of noise pollution are cars and trucks, construction sites, entertainment spots, and other industrial noise. These sources of noise effect different people in different ways. They also effect animals, that live in Lawrence, and other cities. This is due to how close we are to the noise, and how long we are exposed. Due to this, Lawrence has created noise ordinances in order to help lessen the issue. Living in a family with several hearing professionals, I learned at an early age about hearing protection, and how sound is measured. The term decibel (dB) is used to a measure and explain the intensity of a sound. It is measured on a logarithmic scale starting at 0 dB. Zero decibels is nearly complete silence. The way sound is measured is sometimes difficult to understand because a sound 10 times more powerful than silence is rated at 10 dB; and a sound 100 times more powerful than silence is rated at 20 dB. This continues as a sound 1000 times more powerful is rated at 30 decibels and the follows the same pattern. I find the best way to explain it is using real world examples. I took the following decibel readings as examples: 20 dB – Wind through the trees 33 dB – Water moving is a stream 52 dB – A truck passing on a gravel road 57 dB – People talking indoors 69 dB – A running shower 92 dB – Lawn tractor 114 db – Full size farm tractor 126 dB – Kansas Men’s Basketball Game at Allen Field House 157 dB – 20 gauge shotgun The biggest problem with noise pollution is that it is part of almost everything we do, and it can’t be eliminated entirely. Industrial machines, construction equipment, items used for music and entertainment, and even children’s toys are part the overall level of noise pollution. Noise can be lessened in most instances, or can be isolated to places where the distractions and impact are minimal. This is why most areas have zoning laws that make industrial plants locate outside of areas where populations typically live. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, a website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health ; Human Services, lists 70 decibels as the noise level where sound becomes damaging to humans and other living things. The immediate volume of noise does not always matter, as damage can also happen from prolonged, or accrued, exposure. Karl Kryter, a noted author on the subject of noise induced hearing loss, reports that â€Å"exposure exceeding eight hours of noise exceeding eighty-five decibels is hazardous and can result in the loss of hearing†. At my home outside the city in more rural Douglas County, I am approximately 11 miles from the KU campus. The sounds I hear when I am at home are completely different from those I hear when I go to school, or when I visit Lawrence. Our family home is a ranch style so it is all on one level. To get to the front door you have to step up onto a very large covered deck, and at one end, past the front door, is a white porch swing. I sit in that porch swing to relax and study any day when the weather permits. I close my eyes as I rock back and forth, and I listen to the wind moving through the trees that line our driveway. I can hear the chickens in our chicken coop right around the corner from where I sit. They coo and talk to each other, sometimes flapping their wings to get up on top of the coop. I also hear Sophie and Sally, our two Nigerian Pygmy goats playing. They love to climb on the wooden structure my dad built for them, and I can hear their hooves hitting the wooden deck as they jump on and off chasing each other. Their bleating as they communicate with each other truly makes me smile. I cannot imagine not being able to hear the sounds than I love. When I go into Lawrence, I am faced with completely different sounds than at home. As an example, downtown Lawrence averages a decibel reading of about 70 decibels during an average workday. I measured a low of 42 dB and a high of 91 dB when delivery trucks were nearby. These are generally lower than what would be expected for an â€Å"urban environment†as Lawrence is not a large city. Noise can have several negative effects on human beings, and other animals. Of all the possible impacts, permanent hearing loss is the biggest. This could be partial or even total hearing loss. In her 2017 article â€Å"Healthy Hearing,†Brandy Plotnick reported, â€Å"an estimated sixteen million workers in the US factories miss work every year due to complications resulting from noise pollution, and estimates place the impact at a four billion dollar loss to the U.S. economy†. Interestingly enough, noise receives the least attention of environmental pollutants. Noise pollution is invisible, and this fact contributes to the lack of understanding to the dangers. Noise pollution negatively impacts the quality of life for people living in urban environments at a higher degree, due to their proximity to industries, transportation, airplanes overhead, and the larger number of entertainment venues. Worldwide, these large population centers usually have a large number of people living in close proximity to each other. Several countries, however, have taken noise pollution as a serious matter and taken action to try and control noise pollution. You read "The Harm and Causes of Noise Pollution" in category "Papers" The United States Government, for example, created the Occupational Safety ; Health Administration (OSHA) to protect workers from job related safety issues, including those that can cause noise induced hearing loss due to exposure. The European Union requires noise maps for cities in order to control the exposure of the population to excessive noise. The Netherlands does not allow construction of houses for human inhabitation in areas where the average noise in every twenty-four hours goes above 50 decibels. The Noise Act of Great Britain empowers law enforcement and local authorities to confiscate all noisy equipment and charge fines to people making too much noise at night. The Noise Act of the Great Britain also requires developers to install porous asphalt technology with the capacity to lower traffic noise by up to five decibels (Stansfield et al). One of the largest negative impact of noise pollution is noise induced hearing loss (NIDL). In order to understand how noise induced hearing loss happens, we first need to understand how we hear. The shape of our outer ear funnels sound into the ear canal and towards the eardrum. The eardrum (tympanic membrane) vibrates due to the sound and sends vibrations to the three tiny bones in the middle ear. These three bones are called the hammer (malleus), the anvil (incus) and the stirrup (stapes); and theyamplify the vibrations and send them to the inner ear (cochlea). Inside the cochlea are tiny hair-like cells. These cells react to the vibrations by releasing neurochemical messengers that turn the sound waves into electrical signals. The auditory nerve then carries the electrical signals to the brain, where they are translated into sound. When we are exposed to single loud noises, or when we are exposed to noise levels of 70 dB or above for an extended period of time, the hair-like cells inside our inner ear are damaged. Over time, they can die, and our body does not have the ability to regenerate these cells. This noise induced hearing loss can cause loss of hearing in certain frequency ranges, or our ability to hear altogether. (Kryter) Noise pollution has also been proven to cause negative psychological effects on humans and other animals. Among these is anxiety and nervous tension, loss of appetite, headaches, and issues with the pituitary gland. Increased exposure to noise pollution also can affect muscles and other internal organs by increasing inflammation of the nerve cells. The negative effects noise exposure can have on individuals has caused increased interest in noise pollution and ideas meant to protect the populations from excessive noise pollution (Atamca et al.). The City of Lawrence, Kansas has made several attempts to lessen the effects of noise pollution on the local residents. Among these measures is the Lawrence noise ordinance, â€Å"Loud and Unnecessary Noise Prohibition of the Nuisance Act.†According to the noise ordinance, â€Å"it is unlawful for any person to make, allow or continue to make any unnecessary, excessive, loud and unusual noise which endangers the comfort of others, creates a nuisance, injuries, repose or affects the safety of other people. Noise interfering with the enjoyment of property of any person of reasonable sensibilities residing in or occupying the area is prohibited, unless the making or continuation in the making of such noise is necessary for the protection and preservation of the said property or the health and safety of an individual†. The act specifically declares certain activities as nuisance noise, and a violation of this section, making them unlawful. These items are, â€Å"the playing of any radio device, musical instrument sound amplifier and a similar device that amplifies sound in such a manner or intensity to annoy, cause distress, disturb the quiet, repose and comfort of a person of reasonable sensibilities within the vicinity or hearing range of the said noise. Steam whistles, the blowing of steam whistles attached to any stationary boiler except when being used to give notice of the opening and closing of an institution or establishment, or indicating initiation and end of work or give warning†(Noise Ordinance). Although the ordinance was most recently published in 2017, it is clear from the items included that it has not been updated for many years. Brian Jimenez, Code Enforcement Manager for the City of Lawrence Kansas stated to me â€Å"the regulations have not kept up with population changes or advancements in technology†. Instead of references to decibel readings, the ordinance classifies any noise from a stationary source as either loud, unnecessary or unusual as unlawful â€Å"as prohibited by the ordinance†. In doing some research for this speech, I took average decibel readings in several locations in Lawrence. These readings were taken Downtown (9th and New Hampshire), South (31st ; Iowa), Northwest (6th and Wakarusa) and on campus outside of Allen Fieldhouse. Each location was measured over a 3-hour period using an electronic dosimeter loaned to me by my father. The dosimeter measured levels constantly and provided data: Downtown South Northwest Campus High dB Rdg. 102 91 87 92 Low dB Rdg 67 58 55 51 Avg dB for 3 hrs 83 79 72 71 Observations Construction and traffic Siren, traffic Traffic noise Police sirens. Overall lowest Due primarily to traffic and construction noise, each of the four locations demonstrated an average decibel rating over 70 decibels. While it takes a higher level to cause immediate damage, constant exposure at these levels can become an issue. The high readings in each location were enough to cause damage, and the construction noise in downtown Lawrence is reaching dangerous levels at the peak measurements. While the City of Lawrence has made positive strives, in working to control noise pollution, there is still a lot that could be done. A big one is controlling of noise from construction activities. Construction, not like industrial activities, is not confined to specific locations. Construction takes places in commercial, industrial and even residential areas depending on the job. Construction can also involves the use of large machinery, resulting in noise pollution whose intensity changes based on the type of machinery used and the activity. Workers inside construction sites are usually protected using OSHA mandated personal hearing protection like earplugs or ear muffs, however, people living near the construction site are exposed to the high noise levels. While taking readings on the sidewalk across the street from a construction site in downtown Lawrence recently, over a 30- minute period, decibel levels reached a high of 91 decibels with an average of 83 decibels. This tells me that the city could protect its residents better by creating an ordinance regulating noise from construction sites. Contractors could be required to take decibel measurements and lessen the noise that comes from machinery they use. Sound dampening technology is available today and there are cities where the requirements already exist. Another area where the City of Lawrence can intervene is by regulating the level of noise coming from entertainment businesses. Over the last few years, Lawrence has allowed the building of quite a few downtown apartment buildings. Many are on New Hampshire Street where there are quite a few bars and restaurants featuring live music. These businesses add to the character and personality of Lawrence, but noise coming from them puts the hearing health of the people living in the neighborhood at risk. As an example, on a recent Friday evening I took decibel readings outside of the â€Å"Bottleneck,†a local bar with live music. Normal readings with the doors closed were just under 65 decibels, but the decibel levels jumped to over 100 decibels (averaged 102 dB) every time the doors opened. This is an unknown danger for the people living or even just walking nearby. Even across the street, the decibel level was higher than 85 decibels at times. The most important thing we can do to reduce the damage of noise pollution is to educate the population. While most of us understand that very loud noises can harm us, the majority don’t realize that lower noises over a period of time can actually be more harmful. There are several apps available for both Apple and Android phones, which measure decibel levels and provide the information for our own personal protection. I would encourage each of you to download one and look at the sounds you are exposed to in your own life. By measuring your own personal exposure, and understanding when hearing protection is beneficial, we can all reduce the chance of noise induced hearing loss. Works Cited Atmaca, E, et al. â€Å"Industrial Noise and Its Effects on Humans.† Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 14.6, 2005. Jimenez, Brian. Personal Interview. November 17, 2017 â€Å"Kansas Noise Ordinance 2017.† City of Lawrence, KS, City of Lawrence, KS, 2017, Kryter, Karl D. The Effects of Noise on Man. Elsevier, 2013. â€Å"Noise Induced Hearing Loss.† National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), U.S. Department of Health Human Services, 2017, â€Å"Noise Induced Hearing Loss.† National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), U.S. Department of Health Human Services, 2017, Web Plotnick, Brande. â€Å"Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).† Healthy Hearing, Healthy Hearing, 11 May 2017, Stansfield, Stephen A, and Mark P Matheson. â€Å"Noise Pollution: Non-Auditory Effects on Health.† British Medical Bulletin, vol. 68.0, 2003, pp. 243–257. How to cite The Harm and Causes of Noise Pollution, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Jiminy Cricket & Pinnochios Travel Through Time, Learning About The Hi
Jiminy Cricket & Pinnochios Travel Through Time, Learning About The History Of The English Language As most know, Pinocchio is a very curious boy. And, being fairly new to the world, Pinocchio is learning new things everyday. But besides learning how fast cars go and why bees sting, Pinocchio is learning new words everyday. And it was one day Pinocchio asked his good pal Jimminy Cricket, ?Where do all these words come from ?There are thousands of words in our English language and they all come from different places and different people,? replied Jimminy. ?Like who ?I can't explain it all Pinocchio. You will just have to see for yourself!? And so Jimminy Cricket decided to take Pinocchio on a travel through time to show him exactly how the English language developed! ?Where are we Jimminy ?We are in Britain. It was here, around 400 B.C. that ancient Indians called the Celts arrived. The Celts were farmers who lived in Britain alone until the Romans came in 43 A.D. Artorius, the Celtic chief, tried to hold the Romans off but was unsuccessful.? ?So who won Britain Pinocchio asked with a confused look on his face. ?Nobody won Britain. The Celts and the Romans both lived in Britain until 410 A.D when the Romans were called back to Rome. However, when the Romans left, a new tribe called the Pics decided that they wanted the land in Britain.? ?Did the Pics win Britain ?No, the Pics didn't win Britain either. With the Romans gone, the Celts needed help defending their land. So, the Celts invited Anglo-Saxon soldiers from Germany to Britain to help them fight off the Pics. However, when the Anglo-Saxons arrived in Britain. They decided that they too wanted the land for themselves,? explained Jimminy. ?This land must have been great if three tribes wanted it bad enough to fight over!? ?Must have been,? exclaimed Jimminy, ?because not only did the Pics and Anglo-Saxons want the Britain land, but three other tribes also wanted the land and attacked the Celts.? ?Which tribes were they ?The other tribes were the Anglens from Denmark, the Jutes from Denmark, and the Frisians from Holand.? ?What did the Celts do with these tribes attacking them ?The Celts all spilt up and went to different places. Some went to Ireland, some went to France and founded Britainy, and some went to Whales where they dug the Great Ditch. The Great Ditch was a border between Whales and England that the Celts used to keep the enemies out of Whales.? ?This all sounds exciting,? said Pinocchio, ?but what does this have anything to do with the English language ?Well Pinocchio, when the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain they brought their German language with them. The Anglo-Saxons German language contributed two characteristics to our English language. One is the use of alliteration. Alliteration is a sentence or phrase with the same sound at the beginning of the words. For example, sally sold sea snails would be an alliteration because of the s sound at the beginning of each word. The other one is the use of kennings. A kenning is when two words are put together to make one word. An example of a kenning would be the word hair and the word brush to make the word hairbrush. Also, the German language is Old English and 90% of basic building block words used today are Old English. But the German language was mostly a spoken language, not a written language. Let's travel to 597 A.D. when language was first put in writing. ?Here we are Pinocchio. We are now in 597 A.D., when the conversion to Christianity took place. The conversion to Christianity started when a monk named Augustine was sent by the Pope to convert the Anglo-Saxons in England to Christians.? ?Did Augustine speak German asked Pinocchio. ?No, monks spoke Latin. From the Latin language we got words like alter and psalm.? ?Aren't those words used mostly in the bible ?Yes they are. You see Pinocchio, the English monks wrote Illuminated Manuscripts. Illuminated Manuscripts are retellings of bible stories so they used many words like alter and psalm. These words then got sifted into the English language.? ?Oh!? said Pinocchio. ?But did Augustine ever convert the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity ?Yes they did.? replied Jimminy. ?But it was not an easy job. It
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