Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Integral Part Of Organizational Management Commerce Essay Example For Students

The Integral Part Of Organizational Management Commerce Essay Over the mature ages, Outsourcing has gotten a worked in bit of most organizations vital and operational course because of the interest to remain competitory known to mankind advertise through a useful gracefully connection. The interest to redistribute so as to cut expense in the creation methodology has achieved a situation where organizations have stocks that are low on cost yet high in quality. In any worry, overall gain concocting and length of administration are a definitive closures and can be accomplished using grouped assaults henceforth the build of redistributing. It is primarily planned for taking a gander at ways an organization can pick the most skillful and cost adequate supplier, who at long last will affect cost of creation, money related estimation of administrations or merchandise and total compensation. Re-appropriating, which is firmly connected with a useful gracefully link, is foremost to the development and heading of an organization. Outline1 OUTSOURCING DEFINED2 FIGURE 1.1 PROCESS OF OUTSOURCING3 Globalization, OUTSOURCING AND BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING4 Figure 1.2 OUTSOURCING AT THE CENTER OF A FUNDAMENTAL RESTRUCTURING OF BUSINESS5 OUTSOURCING6 REFLECTIONS AND ARGUMENT7 Decision Re-appropriating DEFINED We will compose a custom exposition on The Integral Part Of Organizational Management Commerce explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Redistributing, being a bit of the creation system in many organizations, is just non simply about procurance of normal stuffs, constituents, and administrations from skilled suppliers yet rather, it Is a vital assurance made to cut expense in the creation methodology taking to an expansion in asset assignment alongside elevated administrative taking care of the core capabilities of an organization. It ought to be noticed that in spite of the fact that redistributing is a key assurance, re-appropriating dramatizations a bit in the improvement of that plot. There is no cosmopolitan definition for re-appropriating especially when you take consciousness of the various divisions in concern today. In their overview of Information Technology ( IT ) redistributing, Loh and Venkatraman ( 1992:9 ) characterized sourcing as the significant part by outer venders in the physical or potentially HR related with the full or explicit constituents of the IT foundation in the client organization . Re- appropriating has other than been characterized as stocks provided to the transnational house by free suppliers from around the universe and the degree of constituents and completed stocks provided to the house by autonomous suppliers ( Kotabe,1992:103 ) .Furthermore, re-appropriating has been characterized as the trust on outside beginnings for creation constituents and other worth including exercises ( Lei and Hitt,1995:836 ) . It is obvious to see that re-appropriating takes on various assaults when applied to arranged divisions. Re-appropriating may hold arranged definitions however the techniques are unvarying. The technique of redistributing experiences stages before a supplier is chosen. Figure 1.1 shows the methodology associated with re-appropriating. FIGURE 1.1 PROCESS OF OUTSOURCING Provider SUPPLIER Checking SELECTION DESIGN PROCUREMENT SOURCING Furthermore, AND COLLABORATION PLANNING AND Evaluation CONTRACT ANALYSIS Exchange Starting: Chopra, S and Meindl, P.2004. Flexibly Chain Management: Scheme, Planning and Operations Globalization, OUTSOURCING AND BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING The develop of redistributing is extremely extraordinary in organizations due to non simply key grounds, yet furthermore, the idea of the universe we live in today. We live in a globalized universe which has achieved worldwide monetary coordinating portrayed by organized commerce and capital movement in this way making a planetary market. The term, DEATH OF DISTANCE, best portrays redistributing on a bigger graduated table. The planetary society today is to such an extent that movement of data has gotten nearly simple because of innovative progresss and the internet. We have states on one side of the planet paying organizations on another for specific administrations. An outline can be taken from IBM. They utilize Indian applied researchers to execute everyday regular consideration maps on bundle planned in the U.S ( HILL 2010 ) . Care is an assistance, and in the occurrence of IBM, that administration is obviously being redistributed to another segment of the universe because of a l evel of expertness from the supplier and non covering the advantages of clasp zone. Along these lines, the re-appropriating develop augmentations the planetary graduated table. Re-appropriating which can be viewed as a device utilized by worries to cut cost and distribute assets has an off shoring measurement related with it. Seaward redistributing is focused on cost decline and is the most convincing element. Seaward re-appropriating involves voyaging an organization s interior concern strategies to an outer organization in another state. An extraordinary per centum of cost retirement funds can be found in the compensation contrasts between workers in created states and those in rising financial frameworks, for example, Asia and Eastern Europe. In footings of remunerations, the undermentioned outlines best portrays the ground or grounds an organization would decide for seaward re-appropriating: .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 , .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .postImageUrl , .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 , .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:hover , .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:visited , .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:active { border:0!important; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:active , .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:hover { murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enhancement: underline; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8d b2690 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u54a52bfe87e8205d47da649af8db2690:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Paradise Lost By Milton EssayArchitects, creating plans from considers acquire $ 250 every month in the Philippines when contrasted with $ 3000 per month in the United States. Java coders in India win $ 5,000 a twelvemonth contrasted with $ 60,000 in the United States. Aviation applied researchers in Russia win $ 650 every month contrasted with $ 6,000 for their United states reciprocals U.S. prepared and authorized radiotherapists in India read X raies, MRIs and CT filter for not exactly a large portion of their U.S. inverse numbers ( Corbett, M 2004 ) . Seaward redistributing has continuously become segment of the creation technique in many organizations because of advantages from the compensation development and capable expertness from the suppliers. Asides from organizations, authoritiess have other than taken up seaward re-appropriating. For delineation, the United States wellbeing segment in 2008 utilized 34,000 Filipinos in the worry of interpreting American clinical files.More all things considered, a few estimations recommend that the redistributing of numerous managerial processs in health consideration, for example, customer administration and cases handling, could chop down health consideration cost in America by each piece much as $ 70 Billion dollars ( HILL 2010 ) . There is no vulnerability that re-appropriating is here and here to remain. With an expansion in redistributing organizations, I'm not catching this' meaning for the worry segment? The build of redistributing has and will take to organizations having the option to get the contributing mood and distribute those assets to a greater amount of import aspects all together continue their core capabilities. For representation, Nike. Its core capabilities can be found in its plan and selling capablenesss which give them that additional preferred position over opponents. As an outcome of focusing on their core capabilities, Nike redistributes the creation of its places to some Asiatic states like Vietnam, China. Along these lines, the interest to place in creation workss and capacity establishments have been wiped out which in twist decreases the contributing mood. An expanded feeling of rivalry or hyper rivalry is obvious between significant adversaries what's more among suppliers. An uplifted feeling of rivalry among suppliers prompts an expansion in the quality and measure of merchandise or administrations. The expansion in the quality and basis is gone before by rivalry ; a supplier realizes that so as to remain pertinent it needs to better on the nature of

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Why Do We Celebrate Presidents Day

For what reason Do We Celebrate President's Day Presidents Day was built up in 1832 to observe George Washingtons centennial. The yearly occasion, which presently falls on the third Monday of February, later developed into a festival of Abraham Lincolns birthday too, and in the end transformed into a day to stamp the birthday celebrations and lives of every single American president in spite of the fact that the special seasons name was never formally changed to Presidents Day. Did You Know? George Washingtons birthday got changed from February 11, 1731, to February 22, 1732, when the Gregorian schedule was received. A demonstration of Congress made the date a government holiday.Thanks to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, Washingtons Birthday-which is frequently called Presidents Day-is constantly celebrated on the third Monday in February.Retailers love Presidents Day, and use it as an opportunity to put expensive things on special in light of the fact that that is when individuals begin recovering their annual assessment discounts. The First Presidents Day The inceptions of Presidents Day go back to the mid nineteenth century, and everything began with George Washington. The main American president was conceived on February 11, 1731. As the centennial commemoration of his introduction to the world drew closer, Congress reported that merriments in Washingtons respect would be hung on February 22, 1832. Why the adjustment in dates? The appropriate response lies in the historical backdrop of the cutting edge schedule. Washingtons birth occurred before 1752, which was the year that Britain and the entirety of its settlements embraced the Gregorian schedule. In this manner, Washingtons birthday currently fell on February 22, 1732, which implied that a century later, in 1832-rather than 1831-the time had come to celebrate. Merriments occurred everywhere throughout the nation, including the early intermission of the Congressional meeting, trailed by the perusing of Washingtons 1796 Farewell Address, which has become a yearly custom. In 1879, Congress passed a bill proclaiming that February 22, since a long time ago celebrated as Washingtons birthday, would be assigned a government occasion. Around then, Congress added February 22 to the rundown of legitimate occasions saw by government workers in the District of Columbia. This introduced an issue at first, however some administration representatives were paid for the vacation day, yet others werent. In 1885, Congress understood that issue by pronouncing that every government worker, including those utilized outside of Washington D.C., were to be paid for every single bureaucratic occasions. The Uniform Monday Holiday Act In 1968, Congress spent the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which moved various government occasions to Mondays. This change was embraced with the goal that laborers would have a few extended weekends consistently, yet there was resistance from individuals who felt that occasions ought to be seen when they really celebrate. As indicated by student of history C.L. Arbelbide, the Congressional Recordâ highlighted three essential advantages of this change, pointed explicitly at families: Three-day occasions offer more prominent open doors for families-particularly those whose individuals might be broadly isolated to get together. . . .The three-day range of relaxation time . . . would permit our residents more prominent support in their side interests just as in instructive and social activities.Monday occasions would improve business and mechanical creation by limiting midweek occasion interferences of creation timetables and lessening representative non-attendance when midweek occasions. The Uniform Holiday Act became effective in January, 1971, and pronounced Washingtons Birthday, the third Monday in February, as a legitimate open occasion. During conversation about the new demonstration, it was recommended that Washington’s Birthday ought to be renamed Presidents Day so as to respect the birthday events of both Washington and Abraham Lincoln, conceived on February 12, 1809. However, Congress dismissed the name modification and it was rarely formally changed. All in all, for what reason do individuals despite everything call it Presidents Day? The Meaning of Presidents Day Today You can thank your amicable neighborhood retailer for the utilization of the term Presidents Day. Its become one of the most mainstream seasons for deals. While this may appear to be an odd season to choose you have to run out and purchase another sleeping cushion or a dresser, theres really an explanation for the convention of Presidents Day deals on expensive things: its when individuals are beginning to get their personal assessment discounts. Despite the fact that there have been endeavors throughout the years to officially begin calling Washingtons Birthday by its progressively basic name of Presidents Day, its never occurred. Furthermore, states have the ability to call it Presidents Day in the event that they wish-the utilization of the name Washingtons Birthday is found at a government level. Regardless of what you decide to call it, if youre a government worker, youll get the third Monday in February off every year. Sources Arbelbide, C L. â€Å"By George, IT IS Washingtons Birthday!†Ã‚ National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration, www.archives.gov/distributions/preamble/2004/winter/gw-birthday-1.html.â€Å"George Washingtons Birthday.†Ã‚ National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration, www.archives.gov/authoritative/highlights/washington.Hornick, Ed. â€Å"What You May Not Know about Presidents Day.†Ã‚ CNN, Cable News Network, 18 Feb. 2019, www.cnn.com/2016/02/15/legislative issues/presidents-day-history-washington-birthday/index.html.â€Å"Public Law 90-363 .†Ã‚ US Government Publishing Office, 27 Jan. 1968, www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-82/pdf/STATUTE-82-Pg250-3.pdf.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Mood Lability and Borderline Personality Disorder

Mood Lability and Borderline Personality Disorder BPD Print Mood Lability and Borderline Personality Disorder By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 26, 2019 Noel Hendrickson/DigitalVision/Getty Images More in BPD Diagnosis Treatment Living With BPD Related Conditions People with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are often described as having mood lability. Mood lability is an emotional response that is irregular or out of proportion to the situation at hand. It is associated with severe mood swings, intense reactions, and dramatic changes in opinions and feelings. Understanding the Scope of Mood Lability Mood lability is often evidenced by destructive or harmful behaviors. Those actions can include angry tantrums or screaming, destroying objects, aggression or violence towards others, and self-harm. The responses can occur seemingly out of nowhere, triggered in seconds. Mood lability is present in people with various mental illnesses, including bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and BPD. Because of how disruptive mood lability can be, it can inhibit daily life and functioning. This may include harming interpersonal relationships and careers. Symptoms of Mood Lability With BPD Many of the symptoms of BPD involve difficulties in managing or regulating emotions. This highlights the role of mood lability in BPD. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illnesses, 5th edition â€"  the reference manual mental health professionals use â€"  BPDs criteria outlines several difficulties with emotions, including: Emotional Lability: Those with BPD experience unstable emotions and frequent mood swings. Emotions are easily triggered and are typically inappropriate or disproportionate to the circumstances.Anxiety: People with BPD may display symptoms of intense anxiety, even seeing things in a distorted light. For instance, they may think theyre going to fail or mess up even when they are well prepared. This can lead to serious paranoia and stress.Insecurity: Often, those with BPD are insecure in interpersonal relationships. They regularly assume that other people will leave them or reject them, leading to constant worrying and the need for reassurance.Impulsiveness: In response to some sort of stimulus, people with BPD often respond erratically and may engage in dangerous behaviors. This can even include self-harm when confronted with times of stress. Many people with BPD cycle between emotions rapidly. In the morning, they may be happy, full of energy, and optimistic. As the day progresses, they can become despondent, depressed, and express feelings of hopelessness. Particularly in the case of mood lability in people with BPD, the effects of the outbursts can last much longer than in other people. Thats because those with BPD tend to have heightened emotional states, to begin with. This longer-lasting effect can make managing mood lability all the more difficult. Treatment The heavy mood swings associated with mood lability and BPD can be extremely disruptive. It may keep people from being able to manage their daily routines. Routine functions can become more difficult, requiring intervention. However, BPD and mood lability can be treated. If you have BPD, its important to look for a therapist or healthcare professional who specializes in emotional regulation and personality disorders. Engaging in psychotherapy will help you learn how to manage your emotions and urges in a healthy way. From learning new coping skills to better understanding your emotional triggers, you will be prepared to handle all aspects of your mood lability. The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs

Friday, May 22, 2020

A Nurse s Role Model For Healthy Behaviors - 929 Words

I choose to become a nurse because of the caring and compassionate attitude nurses hold not only through practice but every day. A nurse should be a role model for healthy behaviors both in the workplace and outside of it. Any nurse, I have ever encountered was kindhearted, compassionate, and empathetic. They talk about their job as if it is a reward to be a nurse. When you step back and look at it, nursing is a reward; it is the ability to quickly make lifesaving judgments. As a student nurse I begin to create my own role in the health care field. I find my personal compassion in nursing care and I start developing my own philosophies of nursing. My philosophy of nursing is always treat others with the utmost respect; while keeping open mind, it can go along way. Nursing care follows Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and in order to care for a person must understand the basics. First you start with â€Å"the person.† This is providing your patients with the essential needs, making sure your patient has all metabolic components to stay alive. As a student nurse we take vital signs frequently to assess the patients status compared to what is considered normal. In this we are assessing the patients metabolic needs and what is going on in different systems of the body. Next you need to provide your patient with safety and security. In doing so, many hospitals have protocols to prevent falls, and provide environments that mimic home life settings. Environment influences a persons overallShow MoreRelatedPrevention And Treatment Of Diabetes1590 Words   |  7 Pagesprevention plan. A school nurse would be the ideal person to execute a prevention plan that can include: educating the children about optimum levels of physical activity and heal thy nutrition. 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The theory covers human behavior in terms of basic requirementsRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Huge Problem1064 Words   |  5 Pagesyou eat and lack of exercise performed daily are the most familiar causes of obesity but other factors play a very big role in the cause of this disease. Education plays a huge role in preventing this disease and there are many settings that you can be educated in such as the school system, hospitals or doctors’ offices, home and even work. Occupational therapists can also play a role in educate on how certain occupations can prevent obesity. Childhood obesity is affected by many different factors.Read MoreA Community Nursing Diagnostic Process: Case Study1218 Words   |  5 PagesThe role of the community health nurse is to take into account contextual variables, especially as they relate to community of origin and community of residence, when treating patients. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Essay on PSCI 150 Fall 2014 Syllabus 1 - 2018 Words

POLITICAL SCIENCE 150: INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Fall 2014 Mondays and Wednesdays 10am Stiteler Hall B6 Office Hours: Mondays 1:30-3:30pm or by appointment Professor Jessica Stanton Office: Stiteler Hall 214 Phone: (215) 898-7646 Email: jstan@sas.upenn.edu HEAD TEACHING ASSISTANT Ruolin Su suruolin@sas.upenn.edu TEACHING ASSISTANTS Julia Cramer Patrick O’Halloran Javier Revelo-Rebolledo Jeremy Springman cramerju@sas.upenn.edu pohal@sas.upenn.edu jrev@sas.upenn.edu jspr@sas.upenn.edu COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is an introductory course, surveying major issues in international politics. The first section of the course provides an overview of the main theoretical approaches to understanding†¦show more content†¦Norton Company, 2014). NOTE: We will be using the fifth edition of this book, which was published in 2014. The editors have made revisions to this edition and a number of the readings required for the course are not included in earlier editions. All other required readings for the course are articles or book chapters, which can be downloaded and printed from the Canvas site for the course. If you prefer not to download and print each individual article from Canvas, you may purchase a course pack instead. The course pack includes all of the assigned articles that are not included in the Mingst and Snyder text. It is available for purchase at the Campus Copy Center, 3907 Walnut Street. 2 SECTION I: THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS WEEK 1 August 27: Introduction and course logistics WEEK 2 September 3: Anarchy and Realist Approaches to International Relations Jack Snyder, â€Å"One World, Rival Theories,† in Mingst Snyder, pp. 2-10. Hans Morgenthau, â€Å"A Realist Theory of International Politics and Political Power,† in Mingst Snyder, pp. 32-36. John Mearsheimer, â€Å"Anarchy and the Struggle for Power,† in Mingst Snyder, pp. 37-56. Thucydides, â€Å"Melian Dialogue,† in Mingst Snyder, pp. 11-12. WEEK 3 September 8: Neoliberal Institutionalism Prospects for Cooperation under Anarchy Robert O. Keohane, â€Å"From After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy,† in Mingst Snyder, pp. 338-354. John Mearsheimer, â€Å"The False

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Harm and Causes of Noise Pollution Free Essays

string(101) " have taken noise pollution as a serious matter and taken action to try and control noise pollution\." As a Kansas local, I am lucky to live in the country, where exposure to noise is usually under my own control. On a normal day, the average decibel rating on my front porch is 37 decibels. Even on a day when farm equipment can be heard off in the distance, the top decibel reading I have taken at my home is 47 decibels. We will write a custom essay sample on The Harm and Causes of Noise Pollution or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is not the case in Lawrence, Kansas. Lawrence is affected by noise pollution, just like all cities. The main sources of noise pollution are cars and trucks, construction sites, entertainment spots, and other industrial noise. These sources of noise effect different people in different ways. They also effect animals, that live in Lawrence, and other cities. This is due to how close we are to the noise, and how long we are exposed. Due to this, Lawrence has created noise ordinances in order to help lessen the issue. Living in a family with several hearing professionals, I learned at an early age about hearing protection, and how sound is measured. The term decibel (dB) is used to a measure and explain the intensity of a sound. It is measured on a logarithmic scale starting at 0 dB. Zero decibels is nearly complete silence. The way sound is measured is sometimes difficult to understand because a sound 10 times more powerful than silence is rated at 10 dB; and a sound 100 times more powerful than silence is rated at 20 dB. This continues as a sound 1000 times more powerful is rated at 30 decibels and the follows the same pattern. I find the best way to explain it is using real world examples. I took the following decibel readings as examples: 20 dB – Wind through the trees 33 dB – Water moving is a stream 52 dB – A truck passing on a gravel road 57 dB – People talking indoors 69 dB – A running shower 92 dB – Lawn tractor 114 db – Full size farm tractor 126 dB – Kansas Men’s Basketball Game at Allen Field House 157 dB – 20 gauge shotgun The biggest problem with noise pollution is that it is part of almost everything we do, and it can’t be eliminated entirely. Industrial machines, construction equipment, items used for music and entertainment, and even children’s toys are part the overall level of noise pollution. Noise can be lessened in most instances, or can be isolated to places where the distractions and impact are minimal. This is why most areas have zoning laws that make industrial plants locate outside of areas where populations typically live. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, a website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health ; Human Services, lists 70 decibels as the noise level where sound becomes damaging to humans and other living things. The immediate volume of noise does not always matter, as damage can also happen from prolonged, or accrued, exposure. Karl Kryter, a noted author on the subject of noise induced hearing loss, reports that â€Å"exposure exceeding eight hours of noise exceeding eighty-five decibels is hazardous and can result in the loss of hearing†. At my home outside the city in more rural Douglas County, I am approximately 11 miles from the KU campus. The sounds I hear when I am at home are completely different from those I hear when I go to school, or when I visit Lawrence. Our family home is a ranch style so it is all on one level. To get to the front door you have to step up onto a very large covered deck, and at one end, past the front door, is a white porch swing. I sit in that porch swing to relax and study any day when the weather permits. I close my eyes as I rock back and forth, and I listen to the wind moving through the trees that line our driveway. I can hear the chickens in our chicken coop right around the corner from where I sit. They coo and talk to each other, sometimes flapping their wings to get up on top of the coop. I also hear Sophie and Sally, our two Nigerian Pygmy goats playing. They love to climb on the wooden structure my dad built for them, and I can hear their hooves hitting the wooden deck as they jump on and off chasing each other. Their bleating as they communicate with each other truly makes me smile. I cannot imagine not being able to hear the sounds than I love. When I go into Lawrence, I am faced with completely different sounds than at home. As an example, downtown Lawrence averages a decibel reading of about 70 decibels during an average workday. I measured a low of 42 dB and a high of 91 dB when delivery trucks were nearby. These are generally lower than what would be expected for an â€Å"urban environment† as Lawrence is not a large city. Noise can have several negative effects on human beings, and other animals. Of all the possible impacts, permanent hearing loss is the biggest. This could be partial or even total hearing loss. In her 2017 article â€Å"Healthy Hearing,† Brandy Plotnick reported, â€Å"an estimated sixteen million workers in the US factories miss work every year due to complications resulting from noise pollution, and estimates place the impact at a four billion dollar loss to the U.S. economy†. Interestingly enough, noise receives the least attention of environmental pollutants. Noise pollution is invisible, and this fact contributes to the lack of understanding to the dangers. Noise pollution negatively impacts the quality of life for people living in urban environments at a higher degree, due to their proximity to industries, transportation, airplanes overhead, and the larger number of entertainment venues. Worldwide, these large population centers usually have a large number of people living in close proximity to each other. Several countries, however, have taken noise pollution as a serious matter and taken action to try and control noise pollution. You read "The Harm and Causes of Noise Pollution" in category "Papers" The United States Government, for example, created the Occupational Safety ; Health Administration (OSHA) to protect workers from job related safety issues, including those that can cause noise induced hearing loss due to exposure. The European Union requires noise maps for cities in order to control the exposure of the population to excessive noise. The Netherlands does not allow construction of houses for human inhabitation in areas where the average noise in every twenty-four hours goes above 50 decibels. The Noise Act of Great Britain empowers law enforcement and local authorities to confiscate all noisy equipment and charge fines to people making too much noise at night. The Noise Act of the Great Britain also requires developers to install porous asphalt technology with the capacity to lower traffic noise by up to five decibels (Stansfield et al). One of the largest negative impact of noise pollution is noise induced hearing loss (NIDL). In order to understand how noise induced hearing loss happens, we first need to understand how we hear. The shape of our outer ear funnels sound into the ear canal and towards the eardrum. The eardrum (tympanic membrane) vibrates due to the sound and sends vibrations to the three tiny bones in the middle ear. These three bones are called the hammer (malleus), the anvil (incus) and the stirrup (stapes); and theyamplify the vibrations and send them to the inner ear (cochlea). Inside the cochlea are tiny hair-like cells. These cells react to the vibrations by releasing neurochemical messengers that turn the sound waves into electrical signals. The auditory nerve then carries the electrical signals to the brain, where they are translated into sound. When we are exposed to single loud noises, or when we are exposed to noise levels of 70 dB or above for an extended period of time, the hair-like cells inside our inner ear are damaged. Over time, they can die, and our body does not have the ability to regenerate these cells. This noise induced hearing loss can cause loss of hearing in certain frequency ranges, or our ability to hear altogether. (Kryter) Noise pollution has also been proven to cause negative psychological effects on humans and other animals. Among these is anxiety and nervous tension, loss of appetite, headaches, and issues with the pituitary gland. Increased exposure to noise pollution also can affect muscles and other internal organs by increasing inflammation of the nerve cells. The negative effects noise exposure can have on individuals has caused increased interest in noise pollution and ideas meant to protect the populations from excessive noise pollution (Atamca et al.). The City of Lawrence, Kansas has made several attempts to lessen the effects of noise pollution on the local residents. Among these measures is the Lawrence noise ordinance, â€Å"Loud and Unnecessary Noise Prohibition of the Nuisance Act.† According to the noise ordinance, â€Å"it is unlawful for any person to make, allow or continue to make any unnecessary, excessive, loud and unusual noise which endangers the comfort of others, creates a nuisance, injuries, repose or affects the safety of other people. Noise interfering with the enjoyment of property of any person of reasonable sensibilities residing in or occupying the area is prohibited, unless the making or continuation in the making of such noise is necessary for the protection and preservation of the said property or the health and safety of an individual†. The act specifically declares certain activities as nuisance noise, and a violation of this section, making them unlawful. These items are, â€Å"the playing of any radio device, musical instrument sound amplifier and a similar device that amplifies sound in such a manner or intensity to annoy, cause distress, disturb the quiet, repose and comfort of a person of reasonable sensibilities within the vicinity or hearing range of the said noise. Steam whistles, the blowing of steam whistles attached to any stationary boiler except when being used to give notice of the opening and closing of an institution or establishment, or indicating initiation and end of work or give warning† (Noise Ordinance). Although the ordinance was most recently published in 2017, it is clear from the items included that it has not been updated for many years. Brian Jimenez, Code Enforcement Manager for the City of Lawrence Kansas stated to me â€Å"the regulations have not kept up with population changes or advancements in technology†. Instead of references to decibel readings, the ordinance classifies any noise from a stationary source as either loud, unnecessary or unusual as unlawful â€Å"as prohibited by the ordinance†. In doing some research for this speech, I took average decibel readings in several locations in Lawrence. These readings were taken Downtown (9th and New Hampshire), South (31st ; Iowa), Northwest (6th and Wakarusa) and on campus outside of Allen Fieldhouse. Each location was measured over a 3-hour period using an electronic dosimeter loaned to me by my father. The dosimeter measured levels constantly and provided data: Downtown South Northwest Campus High dB Rdg. 102 91 87 92 Low dB Rdg 67 58 55 51 Avg dB for 3 hrs 83 79 72 71 Observations Construction and traffic Siren, traffic Traffic noise Police sirens. Overall lowest Due primarily to traffic and construction noise, each of the four locations demonstrated an average decibel rating over 70 decibels. While it takes a higher level to cause immediate damage, constant exposure at these levels can become an issue. The high readings in each location were enough to cause damage, and the construction noise in downtown Lawrence is reaching dangerous levels at the peak measurements. While the City of Lawrence has made positive strives, in working to control noise pollution, there is still a lot that could be done. A big one is controlling of noise from construction activities. Construction, not like industrial activities, is not confined to specific locations. Construction takes places in commercial, industrial and even residential areas depending on the job. Construction can also involves the use of large machinery, resulting in noise pollution whose intensity changes based on the type of machinery used and the activity. Workers inside construction sites are usually protected using OSHA mandated personal hearing protection like earplugs or ear muffs, however, people living near the construction site are exposed to the high noise levels. While taking readings on the sidewalk across the street from a construction site in downtown Lawrence recently, over a 30- minute period, decibel levels reached a high of 91 decibels with an average of 83 decibels. This tells me that the city could protect its residents better by creating an ordinance regulating noise from construction sites. Contractors could be required to take decibel measurements and lessen the noise that comes from machinery they use. Sound dampening technology is available today and there are cities where the requirements already exist. Another area where the City of Lawrence can intervene is by regulating the level of noise coming from entertainment businesses. Over the last few years, Lawrence has allowed the building of quite a few downtown apartment buildings. Many are on New Hampshire Street where there are quite a few bars and restaurants featuring live music. These businesses add to the character and personality of Lawrence, but noise coming from them puts the hearing health of the people living in the neighborhood at risk. As an example, on a recent Friday evening I took decibel readings outside of the â€Å"Bottleneck,† a local bar with live music. Normal readings with the doors closed were just under 65 decibels, but the decibel levels jumped to over 100 decibels (averaged 102 dB) every time the doors opened. This is an unknown danger for the people living or even just walking nearby. Even across the street, the decibel level was higher than 85 decibels at times. The most important thing we can do to reduce the damage of noise pollution is to educate the population. While most of us understand that very loud noises can harm us, the majority don’t realize that lower noises over a period of time can actually be more harmful. There are several apps available for both Apple and Android phones, which measure decibel levels and provide the information for our own personal protection. I would encourage each of you to download one and look at the sounds you are exposed to in your own life. By measuring your own personal exposure, and understanding when hearing protection is beneficial, we can all reduce the chance of noise induced hearing loss. Works Cited Atmaca, E, et al. â€Å"Industrial Noise and Its Effects on Humans.†Ã‚  Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 14.6, 2005. Jimenez, Brian. Personal Interview. November 17, 2017 â€Å"Kansas Noise Ordinance 2017.†Ã‚  City of Lawrence, KS, City of Lawrence, KS, 2017, lawrenceks.org/police/noise-problems/. Kryter, Karl D.  The Effects of Noise on Man. Elsevier, 2013. â€Å"Noise Induced Hearing Loss.†Ã‚  National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), U.S. Department of Health Human Services, 2017, www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/noise-induced-hearing-loss. â€Å"Noise Induced Hearing Loss.†Ã‚  National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), U.S. Department of Health Human Services, 2017, Web www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/noise-induced-hearing-loss. Plotnick, Brande. â€Å"Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).†Ã‚  Healthy Hearing, Healthy Hearing, 11 May 2017, www.healthyhearing.com/help/hearing-loss/noise. Stansfield, Stephen A, and Mark P Matheson. â€Å"Noise Pollution: Non-Auditory Effects on Health.†Ã‚  British Medical Bulletin, vol. 68.0, 2003, pp. 243–257. How to cite The Harm and Causes of Noise Pollution, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Jiminy Cricket & Pinnochios Travel Through Time, Learning About The Hi

Jiminy Cricket & Pinnochios Travel Through Time, Learning About The History Of The English Language As most know, Pinocchio is a very curious boy. And, being fairly new to the world, Pinocchio is learning new things everyday. But besides learning how fast cars go and why bees sting, Pinocchio is learning new words everyday. And it was one day Pinocchio asked his good pal Jimminy Cricket, ?Where do all these words come from ?There are thousands of words in our English language and they all come from different places and different people,? replied Jimminy. ?Like who ?I can't explain it all Pinocchio. You will just have to see for yourself!? And so Jimminy Cricket decided to take Pinocchio on a travel through time to show him exactly how the English language developed! ?Where are we Jimminy ?We are in Britain. It was here, around 400 B.C. that ancient Indians called the Celts arrived. The Celts were farmers who lived in Britain alone until the Romans came in 43 A.D. Artorius, the Celtic chief, tried to hold the Romans off but was unsuccessful.? ?So who won Britain Pinocchio asked with a confused look on his face. ?Nobody won Britain. The Celts and the Romans both lived in Britain until 410 A.D when the Romans were called back to Rome. However, when the Romans left, a new tribe called the Pics decided that they wanted the land in Britain.? ?Did the Pics win Britain ?No, the Pics didn't win Britain either. With the Romans gone, the Celts needed help defending their land. So, the Celts invited Anglo-Saxon soldiers from Germany to Britain to help them fight off the Pics. However, when the Anglo-Saxons arrived in Britain. They decided that they too wanted the land for themselves,? explained Jimminy. ?This land must have been great if three tribes wanted it bad enough to fight over!? ?Must have been,? exclaimed Jimminy, ?because not only did the Pics and Anglo-Saxons want the Britain land, but three other tribes also wanted the land and attacked the Celts.? ?Which tribes were they ?The other tribes were the Anglens from Denmark, the Jutes from Denmark, and the Frisians from Holand.? ?What did the Celts do with these tribes attacking them ?The Celts all spilt up and went to different places. Some went to Ireland, some went to France and founded Britainy, and some went to Whales where they dug the Great Ditch. The Great Ditch was a border between Whales and England that the Celts used to keep the enemies out of Whales.? ?This all sounds exciting,? said Pinocchio, ?but what does this have anything to do with the English language ?Well Pinocchio, when the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain they brought their German language with them. The Anglo-Saxons German language contributed two characteristics to our English language. One is the use of alliteration. Alliteration is a sentence or phrase with the same sound at the beginning of the words. For example, sally sold sea snails would be an alliteration because of the s sound at the beginning of each word. The other one is the use of kennings. A kenning is when two words are put together to make one word. An example of a kenning would be the word hair and the word brush to make the word hairbrush. Also, the German language is Old English and 90% of basic building block words used today are Old English. But the German language was mostly a spoken language, not a written language. Let's travel to 597 A.D. when language was first put in writing. ?Here we are Pinocchio. We are now in 597 A.D., when the conversion to Christianity took place. The conversion to Christianity started when a monk named Augustine was sent by the Pope to convert the Anglo-Saxons in England to Christians.? ?Did Augustine speak German asked Pinocchio. ?No, monks spoke Latin. From the Latin language we got words like alter and psalm.? ?Aren't those words used mostly in the bible ?Yes they are. You see Pinocchio, the English monks wrote Illuminated Manuscripts. Illuminated Manuscripts are retellings of bible stories so they used many words like alter and psalm. These words then got sifted into the English language.? ?Oh!? said Pinocchio. ?But did Augustine ever convert the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity ?Yes they did.? replied Jimminy. ?But it was not an easy job. It

Friday, March 20, 2020

Artifacts and Technology essays

Artifacts and Technology essays An artifact is any object that was made by or altered by humans for some purpose or task. I personally think that all artifacts can be classified as technology. One article that I have found, entitled Analyzing the Past, talks about stone artifacts. These stone artifacts date back some 2.6 million years to the Stone Age. The people of this age forged these new items out of stone. This was something that had never been done before, so it was a new technology. Today, we may not consider this stone work as technology because we have become further advanced. These artifacts help us to better understand the way things were used and the way people lived in these past times. We of course cant talk to anybody that lived back then, so we have to use the technologies that we have today to help us to identify technologies that were used then. Many years from now, when people may possibly find artifacts at Ground Zero in New York City, will they classify this as technology? I think yes, even though the way they build their buildings in future times will more than likely be far more advanced, they will see that our people had become more advanced when those buildings were built than say the times when the Carlyle House in Alexandria, Virginia was built in 1752. The World Trade Centers had a new technological design that was to make them collapse in upon themselves if they were to ever fall. This technology held true when they did collapse. ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

11 Things You Should Put in a College Roommate Agreement

11 Things You Should Put in a College Roommate Agreement When you first move in with your college roommate (either in an apartment or in the residence halls), you may want- or have- to set up a roommate agreement or roommate contract. While not usually legally binding, roommate agreements are an excellent way to make sure that you and your college roommate are on the same page about the everyday details of living with someone else. And while they may seem like a pain to put together, roommate agreements are a smart idea. There are a variety of ways you can approach a roommate agreement. Many agreements come as a template and can provide you with general areas and suggested rules. In general, though, you should cover the following topics: 1. Sharing Is it okay to use each others stuff? If so, are some things off limits? What happens if something breaks? If both people are using the same printer, for example, who pays to replace the paper? The ink cartridges? The batteries? What happens if something gets broken or stolen on somebody elses watch? 2. Schedules What are your schedules like? Is one person a night owl? An early bird? And whats the process for someones schedule, especially in the morning and late at night? Do you want some quiet time when you get done with class after lunch? Or time to hang out with friends in the room? 3. Study Time When does each person study? How do they study? (Quietly? With music? With the TV on?) Alone? With headphones? With people in the room? What does each person need from the other to make sure they get adequate study time and can keep up in their classes? 4. Private Time Its college. You and/or your roommate might very well be dating someone - and want time alone with him or her. Whats the deal with getting time alone in the room? How much is OK? How much advance notice do you need to give a roommate? Are there times when its not OK (like finals week)? How will you let each other know when not to come in? 5. Borrowing, Taking or Replacing Something   Borrowing or taking something from your roommate is practically inevitable over the course of the year. So who pays for it? Are there rules about borrowing/taking? For example, its OK to eat some of my food as long as you leave some for me.   6. Space This may sound silly, but think - and talk - about space. Do you want your roommates friends hanging out on your bed while youre gone? At your desk? Do you like your space neat? Clean? Messy? How would you feel if your roommates clothes started sneaking over to your side of the room? 7. Visitors When is it OK to have people hanging out in the room? People staying over? How many people are OK? Think about when it would or wouldnt be all right to have others in your room. For example, is a quiet study group OK late at night, or should no one be allowed in the room after, say 1 a.m.? 8. Noise Do both of you like the default to be quiet in the room? Music? The TV on as background? What do you need to study? What do you need to sleep? Can someone use earplugs or headphones? How much noise is too much? 9. Food Can you eat each others food? Will you share? If so, who buys what? What happens if someone eats the last of an item? Who cleans it? What kinds of food are OK to keep in the room? 10. Alcohol   If youre under 21 and get caught with alcohol in the room, there can be problems. How do you feel about keeping alcohol in the room? If youre over 21, who buys the alcohol? When, if at all, is it OK to have people drinking in the room? 11. Clothes This ones a biggie for women. Can you borrow each others clothes? How much notice is needed? Who has to wash them? How often can you borrow things? What kinds of things cant be borrowed? If you and your roommate cant quite figure out where to get started or how to come to an agreement on many of these things, dont be afraid to talk to your RA or someone else to make sure things are clear from the beginning. Roommate relationships can be one of the highlights of college, so starting strongly from the beginning is a great way to eliminate problems in the future.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Creativity and Innovation Empowerment by the Right Leadership Essay

Creativity and Innovation Empowerment by the Right Leadership - Essay Example This means employers look for people who are creative, innovative and bring in fresh, original and imaginative ideas to boost their products and services. In fostering environments where creativity thrive, stronger overall businesses will emerge. However, the way in which a manager of employees can get optimum creativity from his workforce is not always clear. According to Periperl (2002), creating teams of people inspired by the spirit of creativity will enhance overall performance within a business. This study intends to find the common elements of managerial/ leadership styles that promote employee creativity and innovation in the work environment. Creativity and Innovation In many research studies, the terms creativity and innovation are often used interchangeably, however, there are noted differences between the two. Mumford & Gustafson (1988) contend that creativity has to do with the production of novel and useful ideas, and innovation has to do with the production or adoption of such useful ideas as well as its implementation (Kanter, 1988; Van de Ven, 1986). In any case, organizations need both to be successful in the achievement of its goals. Robinson (2011) contends that in order to maintain a competitive edge, creativity and innovation are necessary to generate new ideas for products and services. ... r, even if an individual has enough appropriate creative thinking skills and expertise, a high level of creativity will not be reached if he or she lacks the motivation to mobilize efforts to use such capabilities (Jung, 2001). A common phrase used referring to creativity is ‘thinking outside the box†. Notar & Padgett (2010) commented that very successful people never appear to have a â€Å"box† from which they ope rate. However, a box is something associated with something that confines one to a finite space. â€Å"Thinking outside the box† then means not thinking in a finite space but opening the minds out to infinite space with endless possibilities. Bernacki (2002) enumerates some attributes related to thinking outside the box as having a willingness to take new perspectives to day-to-day work. It also entails openness to do different things and to do things differently. Creative individuals focus on the value of finding new ideas and acting on them. The y strive to create value in new ways. Although they already have great ideas in mind, they still enjoy listening to others due to their perennial search for better ideas. Creative Cultures/Environments Amabile (1998) suggests that for leaders to foster creativity among their subordinates, they must establish an organizational environment wherein subordinates feel safe contributing their ideas and trying out innovative approaches without fear of punishment for failure. Transformational leaders stimulate their followers to think ‘out of the box’ by enhancing generative and exploratory thinking (Sosik et al., 1998). Such leaders push their followers to bravely think about old problems in new ways, to question their own values, traditions and beliefs, as well as the leader’s beliefs and assumptions (Bass, 1985;

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Anna in the Tropics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Anna in the Tropics - Essay Example However, tragedy occurs when Juan, a lector, gets romantically involved with one of the wives of the factory men. This causes resentment and hatred towards the lectors. To add salt to an injury, Cheche’s wife leaves him for one of the lectors (Cruz, 57). It is psychological war. The hero suffers because they have good looks and are more enlightened. â€Å"Our culture [civilization] demands other sacrifices besides that of sexual gratification† (Hegel qtd in Aiello slide 29).     Ã‚   According to Hegel, tragedy occurs when there is a collision between â€Å"two goods†. Both heroes, the â€Å"two goods† end up in tragedy. From the play, the opposing goods can be loosely interpreted as follows: The lectors are supposed to teach the workers to be literate, so that they can start working with the machines in the farms. As a result of love and the tragedies they created, the workers hate them. This means that relationship within them will be sore. The adoption of machines as suggested by Cheche is not a welcome move to the workers who feel that they will lose their jobs. Conchita’s beauty causes tragedy (Cruz, 36). She leaves her husband and sleeps with Marela’s husband. In revenge, Marela sleeps with Juan. Lovers are doomed, and this affects work at the factory.   The collision between â€Å"goods†-what was originally perceived to be good-and the real turn of events, causes the misfortune at the end of the play.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Concepts Of Organizational Behaviour

Concepts Of Organizational Behaviour This report is all about organization behavior and management, what kind of problems are face by organization due to the behavior of all stake holders of any organization? And what steps and decision of management are help to overcome all the problems and what is the current scenario of OB and why it is necessary to study of OB? INTRODUCTION Concepts of OB Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structures have on behavior within the organization. This impact works towards improving the organizations effectiveness. Of all the resources, human resources are precious and the behaviour of human being is unpredictable, thus unique in nature. As such an understanding of their interaction in Organisations is necessary, for the purpose of integrating human effort towards realisation of goals. In order to understand human behaviour, a specified field of faculty of knowledge is being developed. It is called organizational Behaviour (OB). Focuses on three levels of analysis Individuals, Groups, and Organisations It normative and value centred science The study of people at work It is concerned with the understanding, prediction and control of human behaviour Study of how people act in organisation Help suggest ways of improving organisational problems in general Related to work related behaviour and job satisfaction. Primarily related to people. OB include the core topics of motivationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦leaderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦behaviourà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ power .interpersonal communicationgroup structure processLearning à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.attitude perceptionWork designà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦work stressà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Organization When two or more people get together and agree to coordinate their activities in order to achieve their common goals, an organization has been born. The responsibilities by means of which the activities of the enterprise are dispersed among the (managerial, supervisory, and specialist) personnel employed in its service; and b. the formal interrelations established among the personnel by virtue of such responsibilities. A consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or more people that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals. -Stephen p. Robbins A consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or more people that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common or set of goals. Organisation is the place where managers practise the art of management It formal in structure, clear roles and responsibility, hierarchy, authority etc Complementary relationship among member of organisation Not open for everybody Organization is a formal group of people with one or more shared goals Behavior The action that communicates and exhibits the character of individual is behaviour. The reaction of something under specified circumstances can be defined as behaviour. Definition of OB Organizational behaviour can classified as an Action attitudes of individuals groups toward one another and towards organizations as a whole its effect on organizations functioning performance. The study and application of knowledge about how people as individuals and groups act within Organisations, it strives to identify ways in which people can act more effectively. -John nestrom Keith Davis The understanding, prediction and management of human behaviour in organization. -Fred Luthans Robbins organizational behaviour is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behaviour within Organisations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving organizations effectiveness. Robbins OB is field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on behaviour within organization. OB is concerned with the study of what people do in an organization and how their behaviour affect the organizations performance Evolution of Organizational Behaviour Concepts of OB in Vedas Four Varna (Allocation of work), Four Purusarth (allocation of activities), Home and work distance (Township) Kautilayas Arthsastra Relationship with friend, superior, subordinate, ministers, servant etc. Wage rate and differences Values in organizations 1800 BC Babylonian Code Minimum Wage Rate Incentive Wage Rate 1800 Robert Owen Father or Personnel Management Emphasize the human factor in organization Refused to give employment to children Teach workers the importance of working conditions and cleanliness 1835 Andrew Ure The philosophy of Manufacturers Provide snacks, medical treatment and sickness benefits 1840 J N Tata Emphasize the dignity of labor at organization Improve the working conditions 1886 introduce pensions plans 1895 accident compensations schemes 1880 Scientific Management Frederiek Taylor decides to time each and every worker at the Midvale Steel Company. His view of the future becomes highly accurate: In the past man was first. In the future the system will be first. In scientific management the managers were elevated while the workers roles were negated. Science, not rule of thumb, said Taylor. The decisions of supervisors, based upon experience and intuition, were no longer important. Employees were not allowed to have ideas of responsibility. Yet the question remains is this promotion of managers to centre-stage justified? Scientific selection of workers and cooperation of labors and management A clear division of tasks and responsibilities between management and workers. Use of scientific methods to determine the best way of doing a job. Productivity was concerned More work in less time 1922: Max Weber gives the concept of Bureaucracy 1930-1950 Human Relation Management Elton Mayo Non economic and Social factors were considered Employee cooperation and morale program The social process of group behavior can be understood in terms of clinical method 1932 The Hawthorne Studies Elton Mayo becomes the first to question the behavioural assumptions of scientific management. The studies concluded that human factors were often more important than physical conditions in motivating employees to greater productivity. Illumination Experiment Really assembly test room experiments Incentives, rest period, changing working hours Mass interviewing Programme Do you like your supervisor Bank wiring Observation Room Experiments Fear of unemployment Fear of raising the standards Protection of slower workers Satisfaction on the part of management Classical Organizational Theory Henry Fayol a French industrialist Interrelations between people and their jobs Division of labor Managers authority over subordinate Well defined command Hierarch f authority OB in Modern Era 1954 Hierarchy of Needs Malows theory of hierarchy need is published in his book Motivation and Personality. This provides a framework for gaining employees commitment. 1954 Leadership/Management Drucker writes The Practice of Management and introduces the 5 basic roles of managers. He writes, The first question in discussing organization structure must be: What is our business and what should it be? Organization structure must be designed so as to make possible the attainment of objectives of the business for five, ten, fifteen years hence. 1959 Hygiene and Motivational Factors Frederick Herzberg developed a list of factors which are closely based on Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, except it more closely related to work. Hygiene factors must be present in the job before motivators can be used to stimulate the workers. 1960s Organization Development In the 1950s and 1960s a new, integrated approach originated known as Organization Development (OD): the systematic application of behavioral science knowledge at various levels (group, intergroup, and total organization) to bring about planned change 1960 Theory X and Theory Y Douglas McGregors Theory X and Theory Y principles influence the design and implementation of personnel policies and practices. Late 1960s Action Learning An Unheralded British academic was invited to try out his theories in Belgium it led to an upturn in the Belgian economy. Unless your ideas are ridiculed by experts they are worth nothing, says the British academic Reg Revens, creator of action learning: L = P + Q ([L] Learning occurs through a combination of programmed knowledge [P] and the ability to ask insightful questions [Q]) Note that his work has had little impact on this side of the ocean, although it remains one of the best ways to learn and to improve an organization. 1964 Management Grid Robert Blake and Jane Mouton develop a management model that conceptualizes management styles and relations. Their Grid uses two axes. Concern for people is plotted using the vertical axis and Concern for task is along the horizontal axis. The notion that just two dimensions can describe a managerial behavior has the attraction of simplicity. 1990 Learning Organization Peter Senge popularized the Learning Organization in The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. He describes the organization as an organism with the capacity to enhance its capabilities and shape its own future. A learning organization is any organization (e.g. school, business, government agency) that understands itself as a complex, organic system that has a vision and purpose. It uses feedback systems and alignment mechanisms to achieve its goals. 1995 Ethics On December 11, 1995 a fire burned most of Malden Mills to the ground and put 3,000 people out of work. Most of the 3,000 thought they were out of work permanently. CEO Aaron Feuerstein says, This is not the end he spent millions keeping all 3,000 employees on the payroll with full benefits for 3 months until he could get another factory up and running. Why? He answers, The fundamental difference is that I consider our workers an asset, not an expense. Q-1. Critically discuss what you believe are the most important factors that are likely to determine the successful performance of work organizations. What do you see as the main obstacles to effective organizational performance and how would you attempt to overcome them? Factors of successful performance of work organization Motivation in the Workplace:- The job of a manager in the workplace is to get things done through employees. To do this the manager should be able to motivate employees. But thats easier said than done! Motivation practice and theory are difficult subjects, touching on several disciplines. Human nature can be very simple, yet very complex too. An understanding and appreciation of this is a prerequisite to effective employee motivation in the workplace and therefore effective management and leadership. Quite apart from the benefit and moral value of an altruistic approach to treating colleagues as human beings and respecting human dignity in all its forms, research and observations show that well motivated employees are more productive and creative. The inverse also holds true. The schematic below indicates the potential contribution the practical application of the principles this paper has on reducing work content in the organization. Environmental Scanning:- Environmental scanning is the acquisition and use of information about events, trends, and relationships in an organizations external environment, the knowledge of which would assist management in planning the organizations future course of action. Depending on the organizations beliefs about environmental analyzability and the extent that it intrudes into the environment to understand it, four modes of scanning may be differentiated: undirected viewing, conditioned viewing, enacting, and searching. We analyze each mode of scanning by examining its characteristic information needs, information seeking, and information use behaviors. In addition, we analyze organizational learning processes by considering the sense making, knowledge creating and decision making processes at work in each mode. 3. Job Satisfaction:- Initial research indicated that neuroticism is negatively correlated with job satisfaction, whereas conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness are positively correlated with job satisfaction. Openness to experience has a negligible impact on job satisfaction. Additional research, however, has only been able to replicate correlations among the factors of neuroticism and extraversion, with extraversion being positively correlated with job satisfaction and neuroticism being negatively correlated. This could be due to the social nature of the workplace (Judge, Heller, Mount, 2002). This finding may be due to the low level of arousability for extraverted individuals (Hebbs theory). If the workplace is a social environment, then extraverted employees are more likely to be at a low level of arousal while at work, whereas at their home there is less stimulation. Introverts, on the other hand, are more likely at their optimal level of arousal outside of the workplace, where there is less stimulation, and therefore are more likely dissatisfied with the level of stimulation that they experience while at work. Deviation in the Workplace:- Workplace deviance occurs when an employee voluntarily pursues a course of action that threatens the well-being of the individual or the organization. Examples include stealing, hostile behavior towards coworkers, and withholding effort. Stealing and withholding effort are categorized as organizational deviance, whereas hostile and rude behavior toward coworkers is categorized as interpersonal deviance. Workplace deviance is related to the five-factor model of personality. Interpersonal deviance is negatively correlated with high levels of agreeableness. Organizational deviance is negatively correlated with high levels of conscientiousness and positively correlated with high levels of neuroticism. This implies that individuals who are emotionally stable and conscientious are less likely to withhold effort or steal, whereas those who are agreeable are less likely to be hostile to their coworkers. Another entirely different factor to consider is perception of the workplace. Employees who had a positive perception of their workplace were less likely to pursue deviant behavior. Research indicates that personality acts as a moderating factor: workplace deviance was more likely to be endorsed with respect to an individual when both the perception of the workplace was negative and emotional stability, conscientiousness, and agreeableness was low (Colbert, Mount, Harter, Witt, Barrick, 2004). 5. Teamwork:- Oftentimes in the workplace the ability to be a team player is valued and is critical to job performance. Recent research has suggested that conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness are all related to cooperative behavior but that they are not related to task performance. Although this fortifies the case that job performance is related to the five-factor model via increased cooperativeness among coworkers, it lays siege to the role of personality by implying that actual job performance (task performance) is related to cognitive ability and not to personality (LePine Dyne, 2001). Leadership abilities are often essential in the workplace, especially for individuals who aspire to move up into the ranks of management. Studies of Asian military units have found that neuroticism is negatively correlated with leadership abilities. Contrary to what the researchers hypothesized, agreeableness is negatively correlated with leadership abilities as well. Openness to experience is unrelated to leadership abilities, but extraversion is positively correlated with leadership abilities (Lim Ployhart, 2004). This evidence is consistent with the long-standing idea that in teams there are leaders and there are followers; the leaders make decisions and the followers abide by them. Although agreeableness is positively correlated with working with a team, it is negatively correlated with being a leader. Those followers who do not always agree and are willing to voice their own opinions end up moving up the ranks, whereas those who blindly agree are left as followers. 6. Personnel Selection Research into the relation between the five-factor model and personnel hiring provides additional evidence that conscientiousness is the most valid predictor of job performance (Schmidt Ryan, 1993). Given that conscientious individuals have a tendency to perform better as employees; it is easy to believe that employers will seek out that factor or the traits that coincide with it. 7. Personality:- A persons personality may not necessarily have a very high impact on a persons job or productivity per se, depending on the type of work being done. As discussed by Sean P. Neubert, the notion that salespeople who exhibit high levels of extraversion will have better overall job performance is pretty evident, for being a salesperson requires a lot of social interaction, and an introverted salesperson would obviously be less effective than an extravert. Given that point, another point brought up is about conscientiousness in addition to extraversion and its positive correlation with job performance in terms of the social atmosphere present in most workplaces: a conscientious person is obviously more likely to be a more productive worker and an extraverted person will experience an optimal level of arousal in a social workplace. Personality influence would perhaps become less palpable if an individuals place of work is not a highly social arena or the job is non-traditional. Main obstacles to effective organizational performance and how would you attempt to overcome? PRODUCTIVITY An organisation is productive if it achieves its goals and does so by transferring inputs to outputs at the lowest cost as such productivity implies a concern for both effectiveness and efficiency. A hospital, for e.g. is effective when it successfully meets the needs of its clientele. It is efficient when it can do so at a low cost. If a hospital manages to achieve higher output from its present staff by reducing the average number of days a patient is confined to a bed or by increasing the number of staff patient contacts per day. We say that the hospital has gain productive efficiency. A business firm is effective when it attains its sales or market share goals but its productivity also depends on achieving those goals efficiently. ABSENTEEISM Absenteeism is defined as the failure to report to work. Absenteeism is huge cost and disruption to employers. Its difficult for an organization to operate smoothly and to attain its objectives if employees fail to report to their jobs. The work flow is disrupted, and often important decisions must be delayed. In organization that rely heavily on assembly-line production, absenteeism can be considerably more than a disruption; it can result in a drastic reduction in the quality of output, and in some cases, it can bring about a complete shutdown of the production facility. Level of absenteeism beyond the normal range in any organization has a direct impact on that organizations effectiveness and efficiency. TURNOVER Turnover is the voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organization. A high turnover rate results in increased recruiting, selection, and training coursing addition, a high rate of turnover can disrupt the efficient running of an organization when knowledgeable and experienced personal level and replacements must be found and prepared to assume positions of responsibility. In todays changing world of work, reasonable level of employee-initiated turnover facilitated organizational flexibility and employee independence and they can listen the need of management-initiated layoffs. OCB Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is discretionary behaviour that is not part of an employees formal job requirements but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioning for the organization. Successful Organisations need employees who will do more than their usual job duties who will provide performance that is beyond expectations. Organisations want and need employees who will do those things that arent in any job description. And the evidence indicates that Organisations that have such employees out perform those that didnt. As a result, OB is concerned with OCB as a dependent variable. JOB SATISFACTION The final dependent variable we all look at is job satisfaction, which we define as a private feeling about ones job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. Unlike the previous variable, job satisfaction to represents an attitude rather than behaviour. Why, then, has it become a primary dependent variable? For to reasons its demonstrated relationship to performance factors and the value preferences help by many OB researches. The belief that satisfied employees are more productive than dissatisfied employees. Has been a basic tenet among managers for years, though only now has research begun to support his theory after decades of questions about the satisfaction-performance relationship. POSITIVE ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR: By integrating positive psychology to organizational setting, Fred Luthans has pioneered the positive organizational behaviour research in 1999. Positive organizational behaviour is the application of positive psychology to the workplace. Its focus is on strengths and on building the best in the workplace under the basic assumption that goodness and excellence can be analyzed and achieved. The study and application of positive oriented human resource strength and psychological capacitates that can be measured, develop and effectively managed for performance improvement in todays workplace. -Luthan Despite initial studies and conceptualizations, the field of POB is still in its infancy. Therefore the challenge currently a waiting with POB is to bring about a more profound understanding of the real impact of positive states for organizational functioning and how these states can be enhanced with the workplace. Positive psychology shift the emphasize away from What is Wrong and what is Right. Five elements of positive approach in OB Luthan has enumerated the five elements of positive approach in OB. Confidence In confidence, he includes self efficacy. Self efficacy refers to how well one can execute courses of action required dealing with prospective situation. Hope Optimism Subjective Wellbeing High correlation with job satisfaction. Emotional intelligence It includes personality and leadership. 5 categories of the positive approach (ISOTC) In order to retain a sharp focus, five categories of positive approach are given. Internality Personality Self management Optimism Humanistic Tradition Trust Positive Expectancy Collaboration Internality Personality Internality, or internal locus of control, is the general orientation of an individual that results in a belief that he can shape his destiny. It refers to an individuals confidence in his ability to mobilize motivation, cognitive resources, and courses of action to execute a task. Self management Self management is a part of emotional intelligence. There are two main elements of self management: self regulation or self restraint and perseverance. Those who resist temptation about getting something immediately or without any efforts are more competent, effective, self assertive and better able to cope with. This characteristic of gratification of a long term goal is a part of self management. Optimism: Instead of indulging in the recollection of misfortunes and bad experiences, individuals should get deeply involved in the activities they do. Such joy of work contributes not only to involvement but also to effectiveness. Trust: Trust as an orientation is reflected in a. Positive image of others resulting in dialogue and delegation. b. Positive reinforcement resulting in appreciation, recognition, reward, respect, sense of assurance, acceptance, etc. Collaboration: Collaboration includes group behavior. It is defined in terms of a person working with another person for the attainment of goal. 2. Consider the changing nature of modern work organization and attempt to challenge and criticize the validity of this statement In todays world, the structure, content, and process of work have changed. Work is now: more cognitively complex more team-based and collaborative more dependent on social skills more dependent on technological competence more time pressured More mobile and less dependent on geography. In todays world, you will also be working for an organization that is likely to be very different due to competitive pressures and technological breakthroughs. Organizations today are: leaner and more agile more focused on identifying value from the customer perspective more tuned to dynamic competitive requirements and strategy less hierarchical in structure and decision authority less likely to provide lifelong careers and job security Continually reorganizing to maintain or gain competitive advantage. A. The Key Drivers for Changing Nature of Work Although many factors ultimately contribute to the changing patterns of work, organizational theorists point to two key drivers: Increasing pressures on organizations to be more competitive, agile, and customer focused-to be a lean enterprise. Communication and information technology breakthroughs, especially mobile technologies and the Internet that enable work to be separated from time and space. Changes in Organizational Focus: What does it mean to be Lean? The Lean Enterprise model was introduced to the world by Toyota in the 1970s. Since then, it has fueled changes in organizations across the globe, particularly-but not exclusively-in manufacturing and product development. The key principles of Lean Enterprise (or lean thinking, as it is sometimes called) are: Define value from the customers perspective. Identify internal activities and processes that add value for the customer and identify linkages between them (the value chain). Eliminate non-value added activities (or waste) across the organization. Reduce waste and inefficiencies in support (e.g., overhead) functions. The lean enterprise principles enabled many organizations to respond more rapidly to the marketplace by reducing cycle time, developing mass customization processes, and supporting continual change and innovation. Key organizational changes include: Reduced hierarchical structure-Hierarchies are cumbersome and cannot respond quickly to changing market demands, such as pressures for reduced cycle time and continuous innovation. Hierarchies are being replaced by cross unit organizational groupings with fewer layers and more decentralized decision making. Blurred boundaries-As organizations become more laterally structured, boundaries begin to breakdown as different parts of the organization need to work more effectively together. Boundaries between departments as well as between job categories (manager, professional, technical) become looser and there is a greater need for task and knowledge sharing. Teams as basic building blocks-the move toward a team-based organizational structure results from pressures to make rapid decisions, to reduce inefficiencies, and to continually improve work processes. New management perspective-Workers are no longer managed to comply with rules and orders, but rather to be committed to organizational goals and mission. The blurring of boundaries also affects organizational roles. As employees gain more decision authority and latitude, managers become more social supporters and coaches rather than commanders. Continuous change-Organizations are expected to continue the cycles of reflection and reorganization. However, changes may be both large and small and are likely to be interspersed with periods of stability. Kling and Zmuidzinas identify three types of change-metamorphosis (far reaching, fundamental change), migration (shifts toward a new form), and elaboration (changes that enhance some aspect of work). B. How Work is Changing for Individuals and Groups Over the past two decades, a new pattern of work is emerging as the knowledge economy realizes the full potential of both new technologies and new organizational models. The changes fall into the following domains: Cognitive competence Social and interactive competence The new psychological contract between employees and employers Changes in process and place Increased complexity of work-Workers need to know more, not only to do their jobs and tasks, but also to work effectively with others on teams. Many knowledge-based tasks require sound analytical and judgment skills to carry out work that is more novel, extemporaneous, and context based, with few rules and structured ways of working. Although demand for high cognitive skills are especially prominent in professional, technical, and managerial jobs, even administrative tasks require more independent decision making and operational decision making. Continuous competency development-Not only do workers need to keep their technology skills up to date, they need to be continuous learners in their knowledge fields and to also be more conversant with business strategy. Time to read and attend training classes is no longer a perquisite of only a few, it is essential for all workers. Different ways of thinking-Rosabeth Kantor argues that cross-functional and cross boundary teams require kaleidoscope thinking, the ability to see alternative angles and perspectives and to create new patterns of thinking that propel innovation. Workers also need to be able to synthesize disparate ideas in order to make the cognitive leaps that unde

Friday, January 17, 2020

Birmingham International Airport – Competitors

Like any other airport, Birmingham International has enough competitors that want their own share of its market. The theory is the bigger the better, and better = more profit. This means that BIA will keep having to continually renew their prices so that they stay ahead of the market, and cause their opposition to loose out. I will now discover how BIA keeps ahead of their game, consistently from year to year. One way that BIA keeps ahead is making sure that the facilities that they offer are up to scratch at all times, and they constantly update them to meet demand, and maintain them if necessary (such as toilets etc). BIA have also displayed instances where they care for the customer, one by investing in the EuroHub tunnel, and the other by adding an ‘Air-Rail' link to the airport, one of this have decreased the flight transfer times dramatically, and the other has made the travelling times lower than they were before. By creating and maintaining these type of facilities, they do not award their competitors the opportunity to beat them at their own game, and therefore will always stay on top, which has been proven in my other parts of work (how big they are). Referencing to the ‘Master Plan' again, they are going to develop the airport fore dramatically which shows again they are always growing bigger, and reducing the opportunity for any other airports to get in edgeways. If you were to contrast this airport against their major rivals you will see that London's Heathrow has become the biggest mainly because of the flights, facilities and the number of runways that are on offer. An airport that is hardly referenced to is ‘Heathrow' whom is growing at a rate like BIA, as they too have released plans to increate their traffic to 30,000,000 passengers flying with them every year, which was names the ‘Development Strategy for the year 2005'. Airport are no longer about providing solely the best flights, but they are about providing the best overall facilities to their customers, and if they fail to do this, you may see that in the future, they could loose out on potential customers. Alike with any business, BIA would encourage all customers to use the facilities more, an implying to use their competitors less! Despite this, you cannot persuade someone to travel from Heathrow to Birmingham so they can fly internationally, as this would not make sense if they could fly from their local airport, unless there were exquisite travel links, which took a fraction of the time that they should have. As a result of this, they would only try to tap the market that are available to them, which may result as far out as London, but if their campaigns produced results, then this would be all worth while. For example, London's Heathrow have an internal ‘train' system that will connect you from terminal to terminal, which I have personally experiences. This is like no other, and the facilities that are provided by them are excellent (not that I have tried BIA's personally), so I would find that hard to beat. On the other hand, if the facilities of BIA are anything like theirs, then they would stand a chance of matching the size of Heathrow, but this would not happen with the right staff motivation, capital and long term experience. One of the main factors within the competition is the flights, or even the lack off, and prices. For example, if someone in the vicinity of BIA is charged double that to fly to the destination they want that Heathrow is quoting, then it would obviously make sense for them to go to a different airport, which would mean BIA will loose customers quickly. The rule â€Å"it's 8 times harder to win an old customer back as to gain a new one† takes a leading role here. Providing that BIA has the right accessibility to their airports, and the fact that they offer good prices would mean that they will be quite successful in the long term. As you can see from my research below (provided courtesy of Expedia.co.uk), there are major price variations with the same flights: Birmingham International Airport Global: Adults: 2 | Children: 0 As you can see from my research above, it is not completely obvious who is the cheapest in the market, because it depends solely upon where the flight's destination is. For example: * At the specified time period, BIA was the cheapest to fly to Barcelona * In spite of this, they were the most expensive to fly to Copenhagen (When compared to Gatwick and Heathrow) I believe that the reason that BIA cannot be the cheapest for all of the available flights is because of the fact that if a fly is not popular, they would not fly that often, so tickets may be more expensive (for advanced bookings). As everyone has witnessed over the past year or so, each of the airports has had to dramatically increase the security due to terror attacks. They've had to reduce the number of liquids that you may carry on a flight, and they have diverted even entire flights because they thought there was a suspected attack, where 99% of the time, the were wrong. This shows that competition for security is not always good, as it may put of even the most frequent flyers because of all of the security checks that are involved.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

My Opinion About The Video Assume Nothing - 848 Words

The video â€Å"assume nothing† was in my opinion a good choice to view in Soc 212. I think that this video was assigned for this class because it definitely fits with the name of this course â€Å"woman/men in a changing society†. This video showed not just biologically born females, but biologically born males that shared their stories and how they have changed the way that they identify themselves with a specific gender, as society changes and moves toward accepting that there is more than one gender. As well as, this video helped us see where we ourselves have focused on just two genders and put people into only feminine or masculine categories. I learned various things, primarily, different terms and definitions that I did not know existed. For example IA: which means he/she. Or even transition and Trans Man. I thought it was very interesting that they were able to find a word that they thought went along with their gender identity, without using words that have be en in this culture attached to negative meanings. I know that I myself have different views and opinions. As I watched this video, different thoughts and questions came up that I had to try to answer. For example I believe probably like many, that if you want to know your sex, or how you are to act, look at â€Å"your package† per say. However, in the case of Mani Bruce and being intersex, it is hard to really know or understand a specific â€Å"Gender role†. or really, if you were intended to be a male or female. Especially,Show MoreRelatedDiscussion Questions Chapter 15 - Maria Peristeras878 Words   |  4 Pages Assume that you are about to ask your supervisor for a raise. Which communication medium or channel would you use? 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