Saturday, November 30, 2019

Speech To Focus On Plans To Help Essays - Rodham Family,

Speech to focus on plans to help children, poor January 19, 1999 BY JUDITH HAVEMANN AND WALTER PINCUS WASHINGTON POST WASHINGTON--President Clinton will propose in his State of the Union address tonight a $1 billion expansion of the federal government's efforts to help the nation's most disadvantaged families move from welfare to work, White House officials said Monday. The officials said the initiative will help about 200,000 welfare families get jobs. ``Despite the enormous progress we have made in the last few years in moving people from welfare to work, we need to make an extra effort for the people still on the rolls because they will be the hardest to place,'' said presidential adviser Bruce Reed. The initiative is aimed at increasing employment of low-income, absent fathers of children on welfare, so they can pay child support and get involved in their children's lives. Many of these fathers have prison records, and only 30 percent have held a job in the past year, according to a recent study. Only about 10 percent to 15 percent of children on public assistance receive any formal child support from their absent parent. Clinton also plans to propose a tax credit of up to $500 per child, age 1 or younger, to offset costs for parents who choose to stay home to care for their kids. The proposal is part of a larger child care package that seeks $18 billion over five years to aid working poor and middle-class families. The administration also will propose $1 billion over five years to improve health care for many of the nation's 32 million uninsured adults. The money would be used to encourage community clinics and hospitals to work together to keep track of patients and make sure they get needed treatment. Scheduled for delivery in the House chamber at 8 p.m. Chicago time, shortly after his lawyers wrap up their first day of arguments in the Senate impeachment trial, Clinton's speech will not include a single mention of the word impeachment, aides said. The president insisted on going ahead with his speech, despite its awkward timing, to demonstrate that he is conducting business as usual even as the Senate considers whether to remove him from office. Among other domestic and foreign policy proposals previewed Monday by White House officials were: * An initiative to bring greater accountability to state and local school systems. Clinton will offer a five-point plan to hold schools accountable for the $20 billion in federal educational spending they receive. The plan would reward districts that make sure teachers are qualified in the subjects they are assigned to teach, enforce classroom discipline, intervene to help low-performing schools, end social promotion of students who have not mastered the material taught during the year and issue ``report cards'' to parents on issues such as class size, teacher qualifications and student scores. * A near doubling--to $4.2 billion--over the next five years of the U.S. program helping to dismantle Russia's aging nuclear and biological weapons, protect facilities holding nuclear materials and create nonmilitary research projects for Moscow's former weapons builders.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Off Campus Lunches Essay Example

Off Campus Lunches Essay Example Off Campus Lunches Paper Off Campus Lunches Paper Open Campus Lunches Being a teenager is a great time. You start to gain certain freedoms that you were not able to enjoy when you were younger. Responsibility Is an Inevitable part of growing up. Although it may not be a necessity, eating lunch off campus Is not an option that our school offers, which Isnt fair to the students. In fact, only 1 In every 3 high school campuses are allowed to eat lunch off school grounds. In previous years students eve been given the opportunity to leave during their lunch hours. The chance to do this was revoked after the students were being Irresponsible with their time and violating school rules. Students In our class and classes below us should not be punished for the mistakes that the students before us made and should be given the opportunity to make decisions for themselves. Being able to leave the school during lunch hours is a privilege, but not all students are able to make smart decisions when given privileges. Administrators were unable to control what students could do once hey left the school property, which led to students taking part in illegal activities off school campus. Of course not all students were guilty of breaking the rules,which is why it is difficult for administrators to attempt to make a choice that is justifiable for everyone. Although I do not agree with the decision of the administrators who have taken away campus lunches, they also have their reasons for having doubts on letting students leave. With obesity rates being at an all time high in the United States, school administrators are debating on whether the students are able to make the lethal choices they need. Government officials are making low calorie diets mandatory in K-12 schools across the country. With obesity rates at 35. 7%, the medical costs are also at an all time high. The United States spent 147 billion dollars in 2008 on medical expenses related to obesity. The school has no way to control the nutritious value of the food that the students will be consuming. The government has begun putting strict restrictions on the nutritional value of the food students are eating, and with good reason. The average obese adult tends to spend $1,429 more on average on medical expenses alone. School meals are based on a low calorie diet In an attempt to lower the obesity rates. But the attempt to provide healthier lunches Is ruined when students are heading to their favorite fast food restaurant In order to save money and be back In time for class. The solution to finding a way to make sure that children are responsible enough to leave campus for lunch Is having them prove themselves throughout their high school career. I feel that open campus lunches would only be available to Juniors and seniors who have met certain requirements. Our school offers the black and orange cards, which gives students certain freedoms by meeting certain requirements through academics and attendance. The solution woo a De salary to tens program, except It would only De available to upperclassman. The requirements would have to include a good discipline history and a good attendance. This would help filter out the kids who would be abusing their privileges by not returning after they leave or partaking in illegal activities. By making sure that the responsible students are the ones who have the freedom, you would be protecting the students who have worked for the opportunity to have options at lunch. As for the health factor, students need to be in some sort of a physical education class, like most schools do. Lowering the obesity rate is not going to happen quickly, but there are preventative measures that we can take to help out our upcoming generations. I feel that keeping the country healthy is important but there should not be major restrictions to keep you from your freedoms. Teachers always say that they work to help prepare us for the real world. Well in the real world you have the ability to make your own choices, which makes giving us the responsibility to make our own decision a more helpful solution to preparing us for the real world. All in all, there are so many factors in the debate over open campus lunches that it is impossible to be able to be able to make one final choice, which is why high schools are so divided over the topic. In any situation there are going to be students who will e irresponsible with their privileges.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Centre And Then Compare Their Efficiency Essay -- Variable cost, Costs,

ï‚ § Market based transfer pricing – In this case Country A charges Country B according to the market price. Therefore, the manager’s performance is comparable as both have opportunity to make profit. ï‚ § Negotiated Transfer Pricing – Here the prices are negotiated, keeping profit margin for each of them. In this case they are also comparable. ï‚ § Full cost transfer pricing – In this case, the suppliers do not keep profit for their division, instead full cost is transferred to another department and the final profit is made by the last department. Thus, the profit centres are not comparable to each other. ï‚ § International transfer pricing – Since we know they trade among each other across borders also, they also need to be aware of taxation rates, currency rates, transportation costs and local suppliers in different countries in order to set prices. Here, each portfolio cannot be compared based on profit margins. c) Improves efficiency and speed of decision making: As the profit centre managers have authority to decide on their suppliers, customers, selling prices, etc, they have the opportunity to perform tasks at a faster pace and increased efficiency. d) No risk of reduced profitability: Revenue centre managers are only responsible for generating sales, and they do it at the cost of reduced profitability, but profit centre managers generate revenue making sure profits are earned. 6.2 Now let us discuss the Drawbacks of the profit centre managers: a) Unable to make capital investments: Profit centre managers are not authorized to make investment decisions; resulting in loosing opportunity to make profitable investment in specif... ... middle of paper ... ... 20 Unit variable cost of buying 7 15 20 24 (4) 1 3 4 Annual requirements (units) 3000 4000 5000 6000 So, Extra Variable Cost of Buying (12000) 4000 15000 24000 Fixed Cost of Buying 1000 2000 3000 4000 Extra total cost of buying (13000) 2000 12000 20000 Assuming that fixed cost will remain constant whether or not the company buys or makes the products, the relevant cost of manufacture will be considered the variable cost. In this circumstance, the company should only buy products if the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discuss several (at least 3) recent methods of appraising employees Research Paper

Discuss several (at least 3) recent methods of appraising employees used at specific companies and organizations. Comment on the pros and cons of each - Research Paper Example The abilities, capabilities, talents and skills differ from one employee to the other. There is constantly some difference between the quality and quantity in the same work done by two different individuals. Performance appraisal has been defined as the process of recognizing, evaluating and increasing the work performance of employees in the organization, in order to efficiently achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. Performance appraisal is needed to appraise the performance of employees along with the organization to verify the development towards its preferred objectives and goals.   â€Å"It is a vital component in recruiting and hiring employees where it is used to validate selection procedures† (Grote pg 8). Performance appraisal is considered highly crucial both by educational as well as practicing managers, as it is one of the most important human resource tools. Performance appraisal is a helpful tool in determining the provision of rewards such as higher wage or promotion, to the employees on the basis of their performance. It is a type of feedback given to the employees by the employer. Following are some of the methods of performance appraisal adopted by different companies. In this method, performance of an employee is compared with that of others, who are doing the same type of job. Performances are evaluated graphically and the employees are ranked in the range of top to worst for every performance. â€Å"It may also be done by ranking a person on his job performance against another member of the competitive group† (Performance Appraisal Tools and Techniques para 1). This method is considered to be beneficial for selecting the best performer among the top performers. For example, companies such as Microsoft in US use a ranking method, so that some employees, no matter what the circumstances, must be rated in the bottom 10%. Ford and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Research Design Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Design - Research Paper Example This study design is of great importance since it informs policy formulation and implementation strategies and avoids wastage of resources in starting interventions that would not change the state of the population. In the case of HBP the study type would inform the researcher whether the access to a health facility and follow-up are the major causes and therefore policies and interventions to address the same can be put in place to ensure that the interventions are most effective and do not use a lot of resources. HBP management has proven to be technical and requires behavior changes, good diet, along with a regimen of antihypertensive medications that require medical follow-up. Therefore the black men in urban areas have poor access to health services and do not seek care or remain in treatment and this is considered as a great factor in the rate of disability and death in this population. This study design is important in this particular scenario since in order to understand if the factors expressed are the real cause, one half of the population be exposed to the factors and the other not and then assessed over a period of time in order to determine whether the factors have an effect on HBP management. A cohort study is a type of study design which is used widely in cases where the researcher aims at reaching persons with particular similarities. There are different cohorts that can be described in terms of age or condition being suffered from. Most cohorts are attributed by age and therefore age has been the most common dividing factor in cohort studies. It has been expressed widely in this study where Dr Jemmott focuses on reducing risky sexual behavior, primarily among minority adolescents. This clearly illustrates that the target population of the study are the adolescents who are the cohort in this case. The use of cohort study design is important in ensuring that the target population is actually captured

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Internet revolution Essay Example for Free

The Internet revolution Essay The economics of information in the 1990s permanently altered the traditional linear supply chain of sources, manufactures, distributors, retailers, and customers via the Web (Pyne 2000, p1). With the emergence of the internet over the past fifteen years, the supply chains for e-retailers have evolved in a similar fashion to the industrial revolution. Unlike traditional brick and mortar retailers, e-retailers supply chains include the front-end interaction, the consumers themselves (Cucuzza and Cherian, 2001). Therefore, it is essential that e-retailers ensure a smooth integration of information between the front-end users and the back-end support functions. To be successful, e-retailers need to provide an efficient marketing strategy to understand the customer buying requirements, and to be able to address them. The role of technology has allowed e-retailers the ability to collect and analyze personal trends of their consumers, although at a possible personal infringement of their cliental. In addition, as superb the front-end model may be, many companies fail today due to insufficiently integrating and ensuring a back-end support function is in place to provide efficient and timely delivery to consumers. This paper will address the e-retailer supply chain addressing both spectrums the consumer relationship management and the supply chain management. Moreover, this paper will also draw upon various companies strategic internet successes as examples. The Beginnings of the Internet Revolution Similar to the Industrial Revolution, where growth was predominately spurred by standardized mechanical interfaces, breaking down procedures into many mini-procedures (Fordism), the Internet Revolution is being stimulated by the standardization of interchangeable business processes (Cucuzza and Cherian 2001, p. 3). The interchangeable business processes are the digital interfaces between e-business tools and the internet. These tools are derived from the improvements in technology, from the storage of digital data to digital information (Cucuzza and Cherian 2001). E-Business. The buzzword E-business has emerged as a new strategic initiative for companies to pursue. E-business can be defined as buying and selling over digital media, and includes both front- and back-office applications to maximize customer value (Kalakota 1999, p4). With increased pressures on companies to perform and ensure quarterly growth, senior management has implemented numerous past initiatives including downsizing, re-organizing, and re-engineered processes to cut costs. Utilizing the benefits of technology to exploit the power of e-business allows for senior management to transform the existing business models. As popular as the internet medium has become for on-line shopping for consumers it is not a perfect system. Consumers are unable to touch, smell, or try on products. They may not be able to determine the quality of products, or how some products may compliment others (for example, ensuring the correct speakers are used for a specific amplifier). Although e-retailers do provide quality reports and analysis, it is not the same as experiencing the sound itself. In addition, payments are electronic and have been prone to security flaws, and the delivery of the goods has been cumbersome at times. These difficulties have become a norm for many e-retailers to develop a sustainable business, however with the use of technology they have been able to create advantages that may not be found within the norms of traditional shopping. Marketing of E-retailers On-line shopping has numerous benefits to the consumers, it reduces time and is more convenient to shop from the luxury of your own home, and provides the consumer with the ability to compare prices, products, and availability. However, although this constitutes an opportunity for retailers, it is also a challenge. The critical success factors include i.) use of customer databases; ii. ) easy ordering and; iii. ) quick delivery (Agrawal, Singh, p. 1538). With the notion that buying on-line is convenient, consumers expect e-retailer websites to be very useful and efficient. With the usage of technology, E-retailers have developed websites that are very informative, and easy to use. E-retailers provide information about the product, quality reports, customer reviews, comparison to substitutes, shipping rates and schedules. All the information is at the click of a button, 24 hours a day. The technology has provided the websites to be more interactive, and with better visuals. It is essential that e-retailers provide additional services including a shopping basket for consumers to keep track of goods that have been selected, and a search engine which allows the consumer to search the website quickly without going through many different internet pages. Moreover, a safe and efficient payment system is required that has data integrity. This system is known as the e-commerce paradox. E-commerce firms must be open and closed at the same time (Awad, 2004). They must be able to share information with suppliers, business to business (B2B), and with business to customers (B2C). E-retailers security includes firewalls, passwords and log-ins, and virtual private networks, as well as intrusion devices (Awad 2004, p. 405). Technology has introduced a honeypot system, which is designed to showcase an artificial environment that lure attackers into thinking they have gained access, giving time for authorities to potentially track down the intruder (Awad 2004, p. 403). Another important aspect for e-retailers to increase the likelihood of consumers purchasing on-line from their websites is Customer Relationship Management. The first step is for e-retailers to develop a strategy that will allow e-retailers to properly promote to their target market, and allow them to focus on customer requirements. However, understanding your customer needs has taken on a new avenue with advancements in technological software. Technology gains have also been demonstrated in the marketing techniques of e-retailing. The concept of buying on-line is still relatively new, and many consumers are still hesitant of it. There is nothing to stop a consumer to research on-line, and then purchase the product at an actual outlet. Research has demonstrated that brand loyalty and price elasticity are less important compared to bricks and mortar shopping as consumers are exposed to a lot of information and therefore they usually look for the best value (Agrawal and Singh, p. 1549). In many instances, a person may abandon her shopping cart in the middle of the checkout process, but for reasons unknown. Forrester Research estimates that 82% of e-retailers depend on consumers to hit the links to their websites and page view to manage the success of their websites, however only 2% of the visitors will actually purchase online (Ismretail 2002, p3). With this in mind, online intelligence has become a technical advancement to achieve. Click-stream technology allows e-retailers to ability to understand abandonment and provide them with the information to react accordingly. By analyzing clickstream data a trail of mouse clicks left by a user who visits a website a retailer can make use of details such as the number of users, where they come from, which pages are visited, the order in which they visited them, how much time was spent on each page, and where they went after your site (Ismretail 2002, p3). This information used properly can assist e-retailers in determining trends of their customers, their similar likes and dislikes, and where their websites can be improved. The information gathered can even determine if the consumer chose to go to a competitor site, and compare prices. This data allows the e-retailer to market accordingly to each individual customer. On Amazon, when an individual purchases a book the company will then analyze the purchase with other recent purchases and then promote other books that may be of interest. This is very similar to the movie Minority Report starring Tom Cruise which is set in the year 2054. There is a scene in the film that shows Cruise walking through a shopping concourse is bombarded with personal advertisements based on marketers analysis on Tom Cruises role individuality. With new technology developed over the past few years (i. e. Clickstream software), consumers will be more closely watched by sites and receiving personalized pitches based on past browsing behavior (Stone 2004, p2). This may stimulate increased purchases, and higher sales for the e-retailer, but could be looked at an infringement on the privacy of consumers. Websites now include Meta data and extensible markup language (XML), which are standards for tagging data on web searches. Although, this may be a positive factor for e-retailers to analyze consumer behavior on an individual basis, the ethical side to this comes in to question. When is it crossing the line on consumers rights? Web analytic companies are now increasingly offering their services from $30,000 to over a $100,000 a year (Stone 2004, p2). More recently, Sportsline. com has used a web analytical company to identify customers dropping out of an American football fantasy pool, which enabled Sportsline to address and improve its processes that led to an increased number of paying customers (Stone 2004, p2). Moreover, technology has led firms such as Atomz to offer advance search engines for e-retailers to attach special promotions to the searched item. PalmOne has recently used this service which has converted the number of searchers to buyers by over 60% (Stone 2004, p2). With the immense competition e-retailers face, other global websites, and the traditional brick and mortar stores, it is important that they cater to their customer needs. The traditional statement that location is everything has little value in e-retailing as all websites have equal distance to their consumers. It is therefore essential that e-retailers seek means to ensure customers return to their websites. The key factors are efficiency, personalization, socialization, and the look and feel of the site (Agrawal and Singh, p. 1537). Although, this may indicate that they may infringe on consumer privacy rights, they have used technology to their benefit to obtain information that is beneficial in making strategic decisions. However, having a strong front-end website does not guarantee success. Once the consumer initiates the first step by purchasing a product, the actual delivery of goods becomes just as important in the supply chain. Back-end System Support Once the e-retailer obtains a client, it is essential that they provide an efficient back-end system that will ensure availability, workable ordering website, and delivery on-time. Accenture international research has indicated that 1 in 4 internet purchases fail due to various reasons (Agrawal and Singh, p. 1549). In the traditional avenue of shopping, many consumers will not go back to a store if the ability to purchase items fails 25% of the time. Accenture has also stated that one of the most common reasons for this failure include that items are usually out of stock, which indicates that the front-end systems are not connected to the back-end support systems (Agrawal and Singh, p. 1549). A seamless integration of all systems, for example, implementing an Enterprise Resource System is required. This integration will allow the e-retailers to advise if the product is in stock, the expected delivery date, and substitute and compliment product availability. Moreover, systems that connect with vendors will advise the e-retailers if the products are in back-order, different characteristics of the product (size and colour) and delivery time. This connection of all information systems now provides the capability to consumers to select from a menu of shipping rates and schedules, and then be able to track the fulfillment of the order in real time. Digital Deconstruction processes have accelerated in that by creating digital interfaces between processes, companies can automate these processes to achieve scale efficiencies unattainable in the past (Cucuzza and Cherian 2001, p. 2). Studies have shown that when customers and vendors share a single system, and orders are entered once, a 75% to 90% reduction in transaction costs occur utilizing a web-based catalog. The different processes include: Preparation of purchasing requirements   Identification of potential suppliers Deliverables specification, volumes, price, delivery, transportation   Fulfillment   Receiving and holding supplies   Relationship building with suppliers (Groucutt and Griseri 2004, p180). The use of technology to improve the efficiency of the supply chain, and ensure customer satisfaction can be demonstrated using company examples. Roundpeak Although the company no longer exists, it was one of the first online retailers who used technology to manage its physical and virtual supply chain. It had partnerships with manufacturers across four countries, air cargo companies, and with warehouse, fulfillment and delivery operators. The numerous B2B partners created a need for Roundpeak to ensure that the various departments in the supply chain communicated accordingly. An online order was instantly fed to the fulfillment house, a packaging and inventory control center, and into a warehousing, inventory, and delivery data system that was accessed by all members of the supply chain. If a customer orders a product, a request to the manufacturer goes out electronically. Once it receives the goods from the manufacturer, a digital signature is sent to authorize receipt, which allows the purchase order and receipt to be matched digitally. The purchase order would then instantly be fed into the accounts payable system where funds are transferred at once. This system was known as the Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment system (EBPP). The benefits included streamlining relationships with suppliers and eliminating redundancies by inputting completed once by the consumer. (Case study developed by Pyne 2000).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Napster :: essays research papers

The program, and later company, named Napster, has brought about a historical debate concerning copyright law and the Internet. Napster’s is a free Internet music file-sharing program that allows users to quickly and easily swap files with one another directly, without the use of a centralized file server. Its software aims to make finding MP3 files easier on the Internet. No files are actually hosted on Napster servers as Napster provides access to music files on others' computers. This system of computers is called peer-to-peer networking. In addition to its search features, Napster contains three major components: 1) A chat program that allows users to chat with each other in rooms based on music genre. 2) An audio player that plays MP3 files from right inside Napster in the event that users do not have an external player or prefer not to use one. 3) A tracking program that allows users to keep track of their favorite MP3 libraries for later browsing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Napster was the brainchild of, at the time, nineteen-year-old college student, Shawn Fanning, at Northeastern University in Boston. Throughout his life, Fanning had two loves: one was sports and the other was computers. Over time his curiosity for computers grew and sports became less important, concentrating most of his time working with computers, primarily focusing on two aspects of the computer, programming and the Internet. During his freshman year at Northeastern University, in 1998, Fanning was trying to enter computer science classes higher than the entry level (Jones, 2001, 1A). Not finding anything challenging about the courses he was enrolled in, Fanning decided to start writing a Windows based program in his spare time. He spent most of his time in chat rooms talking with experienced computer networking programmers. Fanning thought-up the general idea of, what is now known as, Napster from his roommate who loved music files, most commonly known as MP3à ¢â‚¬â„¢s, but was frustrated with most music sites which had limited music files available and detested having to endlessly search website’s looking for particular songs. Fanning, keeping his roommate’s frustrations in mind, and his programming skills at hand, began writing Napster. He used the idea of all users being connected to one central computer server, and having access to each other’s music files that users wished to share (â€Å"MTV News,† 2000, 1). In other words, â€Å"Napster makes its application software freely available for download by consumers from its website.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Adults with Mental Retardation

Mental retardation is considered to be a condition where in the development of the brain is behind most of the people and disorderly, which also comes before the age of 18 that impairs the ability to learn adequate and relevant skills and knowledge (Ainsworth & Baker, 2004).In more simple terms, the condition of mental retardation is where a person’s mental capabilities are behind most people for the particular age group he/she belongs to (Patel, 2002). As these are life-long illnesses, these lasts up to the stage of people where they live as young and adults.Mental retardation is indeed a serious condition in which the people with such case are suffering from different difficulties. Normally, a person that is diagnosed with such case, is seem to be of a lower capability to developed mentally, learn and solve problems on their own.As such, mental retardation has within its scope the conditions wherein the person or individual with this diagnosis has a lower than average physic al capability.There are different types of mental retardation. First, clinical retardation is considered to be the type of mental retardation which is a result of a particular medical cause (Shepherd, 1982). It can be detected early and that this is associated with insufficiencies in terms of â€Å"neurological, metabolic, or physiological† (Shepherd, 1982, p. 174). The intelligence quotient of the individuals suffering from this is commonly lesser than 50 (Shepherd, 1982).Second, there is also a form of mental retardation that is referred to as social cultural retardation that is milder and usually involves people who have intelligence quotient that ranges from 55 to 69 (Shepherd, 1982). There are several differences that are noticed from that of the first and this classification especially in terms of the degree to which they are disadvantaged (Shepherd, 1982).Needs of Adults with Mental RetardationWith the several types of mental retardation and the broad range of illnesse s associated with it, there are also different needs that are realized in light of these illnesses (Drew & Hardman, 2000).There are several general needs that are required by the adults with mental retardation and while it can be seen that most people also have the same type of need, there are specific types of special attention that are required in light of the disabilities that they have.First, there are residential services that are given to the young and old adults who are suffering from mental retardation (Hersen & Van Hasselt, 1998; Fluharty, 1988; Melillo & Houde, 2005).It is realized that these adults require more time and a form of special medical attention that could not be given at home, there are shelters which provide for services for a fee.There are changing patterns of familial relationships and set-ups especially with the greater demands such as the need of people to earn a greater rate of income. Likewise, lesser time is spent at home with more people being required to take additional hours at work to finish certain tasks and responsibilities.Second, this particular group of people should have access to information (Walling & Irwin, 1995). The situation of these people is that their mental conditions are retarded or are impaired but it has to be realized that it is not totally absent.While it may take them time for them to learn and acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities, patience would lead them to reach the normal condition where they are able to live a life that is near normal. Their state of mental retardation should not be the cause of them being deprived for information services. Rather, they should be the ones who are given a privilege and consideration for such to enable them to accomplish and live the life they are expected to live.Third, there is a need for their mental health to be constantly monitored and given ample medications for individuals suffering from mental health conditions have a greater likelihood of acq uiring mental problems (Thyer & Wodarski, 2007).In cases where it is applicable, regular monitoring with a doctor is needed to ensure that the condition of the person is maintained to a healthy level and the risk of acquiring mental problems are kept at bay. It is proven that prevention is definitely better than cure and this holds true for mental health.Fourth, the government should be able to provide a subsidy for the young and old adults in terms of their basic and medical needs. There are several programs that intend to provide for care with regard to the mental health of patients and it would be helpful if there are specific health advocacies which are intended mainly for the young and old adults and their needs.This step would take a considerable amount of public lobbying especially for the funds that are required for it. Relevant studies and public policy analysis would have to be made for them with experts on the said field converging together with other authorities in order to come up with a comprehensive and implementable plan for the people with regard to their mental health and other needs.With regard to their basic needs, identification and provision of such would also have to go through the same process in lieu of a stakeholder analysis.Lastly, people with mental retardation also need a greater social sphere where they could interact and learn (Luchterhand & Murphy, 1998). They should not be deprived of the right to have social development and should not be isolated from other people simply because of the condition that they have. In fact, the social surrounding that is built for them would greatly help as they cope with the difficulties that they have to face.Community InvolvementThe primary factor in reaping community involvement is that of a heightened awareness in terms of the real setting that people with mental health retardation have to live in. There are several stereotypes that should be cleared and these include â€Å"lack of inhibitio ns and moral sense, rigidity, and attention seeking† (as cited in Wiener & Dulcan, 2004, p. 238).Members of the community should be involved with programs that are intended to uplift the self-esteem and the living condition of young and old adults with mental retardation.This should require them to deal from the first stage, which is the identification of the problems or the planning stage until the time where these programs are implemented. The members of the community could serve as volunteers and friends of young and old adults with mental retardation, which also broadens the social sphere of both groups (Switzky, Hickson, & Schalock, 2006).Constant evaluation through the help of key persons in the community is also necessary to oversee the different problems and achievements that would serve as the constant motivating factor for the members of the initiative.ReferencesAinsworth, P. & Baker, P. (2004). Understanding mental retardation: A resource for parents, caregivers, an d counselors. USA: University Press of Mississippi.Drew, C. & Hardman, M. (2000). Mental retardation: A life cycle approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.Fluharty, S. (1988). International review of research in mental retardation. Vol. 20. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.Luchterhand, C. & Murphy, N. (1998). Helping adults with mental retardation grieve a death loss. NY: Brunner-Routledge.Melillo, K. & Houde, S. (2005). Geropsychiatric and mental health nursing. Sadbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.Patel, V. (2002). Where there is no psychiatrist: A mental health care manual. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists.Shepherd, M. (1982). Handbook of psychiatry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Switzky, H., Hickson, L., Schalock, R. (2006). Mental retardation, personality, and motivational systems: Mental retardation, personality, and motivational systems. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.Thyer, B. & Wodarski, J. (2007). Social work in mental health: An evidence-ba sed approach. NJ: John Wiley & Sons.Walling, L. & Irwin, M. (1995). Information services for people with developmental disabilities: The library manager’s handbook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.Wiener, J. & Dulcan, M. (2004). Textbook of child and adolescent psychiatry. 3rd ed. USA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Admission services Admission Essay

Marquis de Vauvenargues, a French moralist and essayist said that  the greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one's opportunities and make the most of one's resources.   My work experience as a research analyst, a school manager and a full time classroom teacher widened the horizon of my career and led me to pursue a study that will enable me to establish a business that would create jobs to people in my community.My initial job as a research analyst and laboratory manager at Biosphere 2 Center in Arizona provided me with the opportunity to design the CO2 control system and implemented new chemical procedures.   I was also given the task of supervising the research works and thesis of students in the undergraduate level.Due to my desire to explore more avenues in the field of science, I moved to Columbia University in New York and worked as a laboratory manager and researcher.   In Columbia University, the task of managing and maintaining the laboratory of Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, a world class state of the art research institution specializing in the Earth sciences, sharpened my managerial skills.As my task also included conducting data collection, analyses, interpretation and data reduction, my knowledge and skills in research and statistics was enhanced.   I developed good analytical and problem solving skills as well as communication and interpersonal skills through constant interaction with tenured faculty, accomplished scientist and highly motivated graduate students   Ã‚  I also designed and implemented new chemical procedures.Although I grew up in India, I was fortunate to be given a rare opportunity to work in a prestigious university and laboratory center in the United States.   Although the transition was challenging, the experience was rewarding.   The administrative and research opportunities that were given to me in my first two jobs enriched my knowledge and skills but I felt a nagging call to share my knowledge.Hence, I worked as an adjunct professor at Bergen Community College in New Jersey and eventually in Herman Ridder Intermediate School and Bronx Academy in New York.   My students became the recipients of the knowledge that I have gained from my previous exposure in a fully equipped and modernized laboratory.   As a full-time environmental science and mathematics teacher for grades 7-12 level, I was able to awaken the minds of students to appreciate mathematics.As I taught them a number of ways to approach and solve mathematical problems, I also found out the source of their weaknesses and their lack of enthusiasm in the subject area.   Some could not solve complex problems due to lack of knowledge in the basic principles of mathematics.   Others never had a teacher who used games as a way to make students enjoy the subject.Science and mathematics are closely related and I believe that the progress of the nation is partly dependent on the scientific discoveries and technological advancement that the future generation can offer.   Working with poorly motivated students with behavioral problems and those who were hostile and hopeless about their situation was very challenging.   The personal conviction to increase students’ achievement led me to organize an innovative volunteer program whereby students requiring assistance outside the classroom were tutored during lunch break.I also identified student’s individualism and developed curriculum to accommodate their diverse learning styles and maximize their potentials.   To facilitate learning, a curriculum was developed to ease instruction of individual, small groups and classes of 40 students.   Open communication and close monitoring of student’s progress facilitated learning and improved academic achievements.  Parental involvements in the academic and extra-curricular activities of students were strongly encouraged. Comprehensive mathematics and science learning resource were also created so students were able to take home and learn materials with their parents.I had my last employment in Herman Ridder Intermediate School in New York where I was designated by the school principal to serve as a teacher and business manager due to my analytical and interpersonal skills.   I directly collaborated with the principal in acquiring educational materials and developing after school learning programs.I have also worked on budgetary matters relating to the implementation of assigned programs and performed administrative functions in implementing budgetary programs, policies and procedures.   School and district budget were planned, reconciled and effectively managed.   My exposure in managing school finances led me to discover that I had talent for budgeting and managing small teams.   This has also confirmed my strong desire to focus my future career in business management.Having a solid educational background in geology, earth and environme ntal science, and vast exposure and experience in the field of management, education, research and statistics in the United States and India, I would like to further my studies in Business Administration by being part of the graduate program in Rice University.Backed by my knowledge and experience in data analyses, data interpretation, research background and strong quantitative skills, I want to have a stronger grasp of business management as I intend to be a Petroleum industry marketing and market research consultant after my graduate studies.I was impressed with the sense of cooperation and team spirit between the faculty members and students of Rice University when I visited the campus twice and spoke with   Dr. Seetharaman and several students.   I believe that with the small class size, personal interaction with fellow students and faculty, hands on training and excellent program of Rice University, I will gain more exposure and experience in dealing with problems and issu es related to the management of business in relation to Petroleum industry.In the near future, I would like to serve my community by establishing a business so I can provide more jobs and contribute to the economy of the country.   This is the best time to pursue a Masters in Business Administration degree after gaining a vast experience in managing people with different background, attitudes, personality and academic achievement.After being a stay at home dad for two years, I could not wait to go back to school this fall to further my studies and eventually work and in a competitive and challenging field.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What Is Conflict Essays

What Is Conflict Essays What Is Conflict Essay What Is Conflict Essay What is Conflict? The simple meaning of conflict is basically a disagreement through which the person or people involved recognize a threat to their needs, interests or concerns. With how things are now in modern life conflicts are inevitable. Anyone can get into a conflict. Sometimes little arguments lead to an intense conflict. Also, sometimes people overcome their conflicts quickly. I believe that some conflicts can be easily resolved because it teaches people how to deal with situations like that, and leads people to think about the conflicts. It means that people learn from their mistakes. Also, if the person has enough experience about dealing with conflicts, he or she will be able to resolve it easily. For example if someone was speaking aloud and was interrupted instead of straight away starting an argument they could remind the person to respect other people when speaking. We can understand from this that because of his or her knowledge in dealing with conflicts, she was able to solve it quickly before it increase into serious fight. How we respond to conflict is in two ways, we have emotional responses which are the feelings we experience in conflict, reaching from anger and fear to depression and confusion. Emotional responses are often misunderstood, as people tend to believe that others feel the same as they do. Therefore, differing emotional responses are confusing and, at times, threatening. We also have physical responses to conflict which play an important role in our ability to meet our needs in the conflict. They include high stress levels, body tension, and increased sweat, shallow or accelerated breathing, and rapid heartbeat. These responses are similar to those we experience in high-anxiety situations, and they may be managed through stress management techniques used by many people. Establishing a calmer environment in which emotions can be managed is more likely if the physical response is addressed effectively. These are important factors into our experience during conflict, because they often tell us more about what is the true source of threat that we notice; by understanding our thoughts, feelings and physical responses to conflict, we may get better insights into the best potential solutions to the situation. One key point to understanding conflicts is seeing that each person may have a different view onto any given situation. This could also be called the role of Perception. Some of these views would be one of which, gender and sexuality. Men and women often observe situations rather differently, based on both their experiences in the world. As a result, men and women will often approach conflictive situations with differing mind-sets about the desired outcomes from the situation, as well as the set of possible solutions that may exist. Another would be Knowledge (general and situational). People respond to given conflicts on the basis of the knowledge they may have about the issue at hand. This includes specific knowledge about the situation (i. e. , Do I understand what is going on here? ) and general knowledge (i. e. , Have I experienced this type of situation before? ). Such information can influence the persons willingness to engage in efforts to manage the conflict, either reinforcing confidence to deal with the dilemma or deflating the person’s willingness to openly consider alternatives. This can decide the confidence of a person when they going into a conflict. Although it is usually best to have a minimal amount of conflicts it is useful in some place such as in organisations. In fact, conflict can be good for organizations because it encourages open-mindedness and helps avoid the trend toward group think that many organizations fall prey to. The key is learning how to manage conflict effectively so that it can serve as a catalyst, rather than a burden, to organizational improvement. Although it is often assumed that people avoid conflict, many people actually enjoy conflict to a certain degree because it can be the motivation for new thinking. Considering a different point of view which represents conflict can open up new possibilities and help to generate new ideas that might otherwise have not been considered. It is like when you are in a race you will run faster when your second rather than first because you have that person in front of you pushing you to go faster. My final point about conflict is the reason why most people tend to avoid getting into conflict. Engaging in discussion and negotiation around conflict is something we normally approach with fear and hesitation, afraid that the conversation will go worse than the conflict has gone so far. In my opinion our responses, as said earlier, are likely to to include behaviours, feelings, thoughts and physical responses. If any of these responses shows tress factors that make us reluctant to talk things out, we are more inclined to follow the pathway of avoidance, basically because where scared. In addition, consider that our society tends to reward alternative responses to conflict, rather than negotiation, people who aggressively pursue their needs, arguing rather than co-operating with a situation, are often satisfied by others who prefer to put up with this. Managers and leaders are often rewarded for their aggressive, controlling approaches to problems, rather than taking a more compassionate approach to issues that may seem less decisive to the public or their staffs. I find this to be unfair but it is my opinion on it. To conclude I believe that Conflict can be easily initiated but also easily resolved if handled in the right way or if he or she has experience. There are different responses to conflict which can lead to different outcomes of the conflict. Different people have different view on situations causing controversy between them. There can be use of conflict in organisations by making it beneficial to the person or company. Finally how I believe society sees conflict and why it is normally avoided which in my opinion it should be.

Monday, November 4, 2019

What is the Difference in Customer Service Communication between Hong Essay

What is the Difference in Customer Service Communication between Hong Kong and Australia in Clothing and Accessories Retail Industry - Essay Example Sales personnel and their customers were observed as they deal with each other during the sales process. Likewise, a survey was also conducted to support the observations. It was found out that Hong Kong sales personnel rush to close a deal while Australians take their time. During closing time, their Australian counterparts rush to go out of work premises while Hong Kong personnel tend to stay behind and close more deals. Likewise, when it comes to expression, smile is frequently used by Hong Kong sales ladies, while a regular distance when standing was observable among Australian staff. These differences are necessary to provide an insight in dealing with sales personnel from different countries or culture. The topic of this research is to find three main differences in customer service communication between Hong Kong and Australia in clothing and accessories retail industry. It will try to establish that there are unique practices among retail or sales personnel when it comes to handling customer needs or requests when purchasing at clothing or accessories retail shops in Hong Kong and in Australia. This research will describe the differences in the three main elements of non-verbal communications that shall deal with kinesics, chronemics, and expression (Darn, 2005) when interacting with customers. Kinesics pertains to body, facial, hand and arm movements that are used to communicate and the scientific study pertaining to it. Chronemics pertain to the sense of time as in punctuality and the studies that surrounds it. And expression pertains to the facial condition that represents the human emotion. 1.4. Background and Literature Review It has been acknowledged that there are generally accepted non-verbal communication understood cross-culturally (Shen, 1996). As for retail shops, service quality perception (Smith, Boton and Wagner, 1999) give importance on the communication process of which sales personnel deal with

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Media Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Media Law - Essay Example This report provides some insight into the dynamics of these treaties and conventions and explains how they can and will facilitate the expansion of this company into foreign territory. The advancement of modern technology has changed global mobility in such a way that the concept of free and open markets have given rise to a form of â€Å"deterretorialization†.1 The transnational trade regime has been altered by this new age of globalization to the extent that world trade is no longer constrained by borders.2 Treaties and Conventions have been attempting to harmonize international commercial activities.3 Some of these Treaties and Conventions are relevant to this company’s plans to expand into foreign territories and will impact upon the employment contracts, contracts for the sale of its products outside of the UK and protection of intellectual property across borders. Expansion into the European Community will not have any real consequences since the UK is already bound by the harmonization that characterizes the UK. The primary goal of the Treaty Establishing the European Community if one of unity and harmony. Article 2 of the Treaty provides as follows: â€Å"The Community shall have as its task, by establishing a common market and an economic and monetary union and by implementing common policies †¦a harmonious, balanced and sustainable development of economic activities, a high level of employment and of social protection, equality between men and women, sustainable and non-inflationary growth, a high degree of competitiveness and convergence of economic performance, a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment, the raising of the standard of living and quality of life, and economic and social cohesion and solidarity among Member States.†4 In accordance with the principles set forth in Article 2 of the Treaty of Rome, Articles 23-31 provides for the free movement of goods within the European